After effects movie in flash

which one :smiley:
itā€™s about 400 KB. original 170 MB.
another questionā€¦ i installed the programe put i canā€™t find where is it?
isearchrd in every placeā€¦ programe files macromedia folder and in my setting folders and nothing at all.
i tried to upload it but i canā€™t ā€¦ :a:

so can you still help me :h:

this is a frame from the movie, itā€™s explain how bad is the quilty :a:

if your talking about the flv exporter then dont even bother looking for it its a pluging for video editing appts, again what are you having problems with specify a little whats your new problem so we can help you out faster :wink:

You might need to work on the settings within FLV exported in AE to get the quality you wish, if you can get your hands on Sorenson Squeeze to get some really results.

ā€¦actually i came across a site regarding the flv settings, ill see if i can find it.

here is one linkā€¦ but i couldnt find the one i was previously talking about. :frowning:

oh well here:

also found this (FLV update info)

or you could simply go here::

the same result with AE :a: i tried it when said you can do it from AE and the same result as you saw in the picture i put it.

grimdeath :smiley: my problem is i can get good quilty from expoting to Flv. i donā€™t know why ? but my flash video exporter has this sign ( Demo Mode ).

so can you help ? :love:

did ya check your email when i told ya too???
and that demo mode sign you say i highly doubt is from the flv exporter maybe its your AE because theres no demo mode of flv exporter

yes i did :smiley:
maybe itā€™s from AE because i installed AE before flv exporter, but i did what you told me about and still demo mode :a:

well i really dont know what to say since ive never used AE but export it as a mov file uncompressed and then open the mov file in quicktime pro otherwise it wont work, and from within quicktime export it as a flv thats what i did but froom combustion and yes the quality is no where near the original file but its decent enough and its 50 mb smaller though from 50 to 4mb it really makes a diffrence.

hi guys :smiley:
i want to tell you i installed the updates for flash video exporter like you see in the image, i tried all the option 1,2,3 and 4. almost all the same result except No. 4 itā€™s a good quilty and there no the cross red line but itā€™s very big.
orignal size is 170 MB and after exporting itā€™s 70 MB, so is this the result i need or there is something wrong.

I also have the same problem concerning the red cross. Itā€™s annoying me!

first of all if you want to use best 2 pass what you can do is to set the quality is set its limit data rate to the highest setting i think its 500kbps and motion estimation to better, other than taht use screen recording codec :-/

grimdeath i know you going to hate me or you did :smiley:
i tried your ways and i got a good quilty with 1000000 kb i donā€™t know the exact No. but i full the filed with zero. but the annyoing cross still in my face:a:.
iā€™m thinking now to remove Flash 2004 and AE from my system and reinstall them again. what do you think is it right idea or iā€™ll die with this cross line :a:.

i really dont understand where that red cross is coming from im most certain that its from AE because the flv exporter all it does is export the movie with those compression settings, again try using quicktime instead of AE and export it to flv.

I used combustion for my movies and i never experienced this red cross problem your using, try looking in the help files of AE since ive never used it i really cant be of much help with it sorry :-/