OK, .fla is 240K so can’t attach it. But this is the .swf. Is it too complicated? Or that alright?
If it’s OK, I’ll email you the .fla.
OK, .fla is 240K so can’t attach it. But this is the .swf. Is it too complicated? Or that alright?
If it’s OK, I’ll email you the .fla.
Hmmm, that doesn’t show on my PC… Is that just me? Shall I email it over anyway?
if you right clikc, save target as… it works
Looks great :beam: i had to right click and save to see it. clicking the link didn’t work
Ahh… Thanks.
That looks cool!!
I would fatten some of the black lines and keep some thin, if you know what I mean…
Yeah, it’s just a real quickie, this one…
Wow, really. Have you some others that took longer we could look at?
That’s far better than anything I could ever do!!
That’s great kit!!
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it, (no, not just saying it :beam: )
Check your PM’s
Wow that is really good. I wish I could create things like that.
gj, looks like aries from ff7, is it?
Indeed it is Aeris.
I have a fixation with drawing characters from FF7. Mainly Vincent because he’s sooo cool to draw with the Gothic thing going on. But occasionally I do other people too.
Ahmed, sorry, but can you PM me your email address? I can’t attach files via the email thing on here… :sure:
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