Cloud - FF7

I never played FF7 (hey i’m not a PS fan) but saw kits drawing and just had to do my own. So i found a referance pic and did it. i dont think its all that great, but i am posting it to see what others think.

FF7 was the best :stuck_out_tongue:

nice start! u should touch it up on photoshop or something :slight_smile:

hehe, the blade might be a bit big even tho it’s extremly huge otherwise.

it was big there too. thanks, i want to vectgor it…

It’s cool, Mdipi, you should definitely vector and colour it. :slight_smile:

My only suggestion would be to aler the shape of his face a little, it looks a tiny bit too long. Maybe make it wider / shorter?

yeah thats what i thought too. i might redraw him all together…

pretty sweet man

hey thanks. i still suck though :-/ gotta practice more.