Having never seen past designs I can only judge what I see here:
Biiiig pet peeve of mine and I say this all the time. Put some padding where your text is, move it away from the borders of the tables.
If you go into the interviews section the nav is disabled.
Contact form pops up in a diff window? Prolly shouldn’t.
Banner, doesn’t really flow w/ the site, the two styles conflict.
Maybe make a link for the interviews… although not neccessary, but I don’t think more is as visible as it could be.
Tutorials section, I thought at first that clicking the underlined word would take me to the tutorial, which is probably a common mistake since underline typically represents link. Maybe have the tutorials come up in an new blank window instead of your parent.
In the future I would suggest combining photos and store together if it’s just gonna be purchasing the photos. Even if you’re not making them all available it would make it cleaner and you wouldn’t have to repeat the same material twice.
Headers, like Navigation, Photos… etc… anything in bold really, as rule of thumb should be larger, if not the same size as content.
Nice clean and simplistic site.
Colors work well together, would like to see the coding cleaned up though, maybe try some CSS.
Anyway, that’s my .02… but what do I know