All AS site, including music player - Help me find bugs! thx :)

I just finished this sound designer site:

any feedback on the usability, design, or bug report, would be very super much appreciated! :slight_smile: Especially from PC users since I have only access to Macs for beta tests…

*Originally posted by Mr. X *
**I just finished this sound designer site:
any feedback on the usability, design, or bug report, would be very super much appreciated! :slight_smile: Especially from PC users since I have only access to Macs for beta tests… **


I like the site.

Just one question: Is the sound preloading or not??? Handle this in the player.

Anyway, nice work.

thx for the feedback! :slight_smile:
But, unfortunatly, I’m not sure what you’re asking…
The tracks are not preloaded 'cause the quality of the music is very important so they’re pretty big mp3 files… Each mp3 loads when you click on its title (and the “total time” field should reflect that). So the main preloader doesn’t to wait for 30MB :wink:
Is that what you were asking?
Did you have any problem listening to the tracks?

*Originally posted by Mr. X *
**The tracks are not preloaded 'cause the quality of the music is very important so they’re pretty big mp3 files… Each mp3 loads when you click on its title (and the “total time” field should reflect that). So the main preloader doesn’t to wait for 30MB :wink:
Is that what you were asking?
Did you have any problem listening to the tracks?
thx! **

I tought there are small loops as on my site.
I didn’t waited for download, sorry :frowning:
Now is OK.

The link didn’t work for me:-\

I think my host was down 'cause some other people had problem getting to anoter site hosted on same server. It’s working now! Check it out please!!! thx! :slight_smile:

very nice, I like the graphics and the way you handled the section headers, i don’t have speakers so can’t comment on the sound

very nice looking layout

Not bad I would maybe add some sound to it.

you mean for mouseOver and stuff like that?

REALLY need help on this: How many people experience strange left alinement of the texts from the main categories?
I don’t see that on my Mac but seems like it happens on some PCs…
If you get this problem, could you let me know what word is not aligned at the beginning of which line? Thx a lot for your help :slight_smile:

Hey Mr.X,

Technically I think your site is fine. It loaded fast, worked without problems and was very fluid.

However, The movement seemed a little slow to me. I do realize that not everyone likes really fast transitions and thing’s flying around the place.

The slow speed combined with the gray on gray with gray text and monotone images and no sound FX, kinda left it lifeless to me.
I would add some color and maybe some sorta movement. You have images at the bottom of every page. You could make them scroll in the opposite direction to the mouse, just like the dynamic scrollbars but with no real purpose in life other than to add movement to an otherwise static page.

I did find your site nice and easy to use and very consistent. The latter being a quality that is overlooked on most sites that I have look at just recently.

Good work. :beam:

That is a web site… I would work with you in a minute!

so, I guess that means no one has this text alinement problem? I sure hope so… :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Mr. X *
**so, I guess that means no one has this text alinement problem? I sure hope so… :slight_smile: **

Under Info the 4 line down the word new is indented by one space.
Is that what you mean by alignment problem?

That’s the only alignment problem I noticed.