Sometimes that can be a benefit, I made $55,000 last year, my girlfriend(live-in) made $75,000…I guess that makes me the lady of the house
someone said about wanting to know what teenagers did at their internships…
basically, i’m a full-time webdesigner redesigning the programs websites (and they have about 10). Next week i’m starting on the 3rd website I’ve done so far for them. It’s fun, and I get to learn a lot, but it get’s a little repetitive.
@Hans: Why does denmark have so many taxes? it’s amazing that people even bother to live there… the gov’t must take really good care of ppl…
The government does take good care of us. We have socialised medicine for instance. I’ve had surgery twice during the past 3 years. Didn’t cost me a dime…
I also think that our system is structured a bit differently. In many other countries a lot of the tax burden is placed on the companies. They have to pay money to the government per employee. Here the money is paid to the employee who then pays the money to the government. That way the taxes are much more visible.
We also have one of the highest GDP per capita numbers in Europe. At least 5 weeks vacation a year. Almost no violence. And people can live on welfare.
Basically, it’s a nice place to live.
And the car calculation is extreme. Other things aren’t quite that bad…
“And people can live on welfare.”
I don’t consider that a good thing. It just encourages people to sit on their *** all day and leach from the government.
Yep, same thing as communism.
That’s not what I meant. People are better off when they work. But they can get by on welfare and don’t have to resort to begging or stealing to get food on the table.
me too…lol. I made 85k last year. My wife when she is done with school will make about the same. Plus I have a few business ventures going that may pan out also.
DDD, what is your wife studying?
Bachelors Degree in Nursing. Se already has a job lined up too after graduation.
Cool, that’s what my girlfriend does. She’s 3 courses shy of her masters
hehe, i wanna move to denmark! actually, i’ve heard sweden is almost the same way…
Well its poor when you have a wife and two kids to support. I guess it would be a lot for someone with nothing to do but go out and crank on as many chicks as they want and make them share the load. :to:
hmm lookin for a career path, eh? like math? ACTUARY… (here in canada anyway…) you’re basically hired before you’re out of university, guarenteed about $40 or 50k per year, after 10 years guarenteed at LEAST $100k. plus every professional exam you complete you’re guarenteed a raise. but… you’re lookin at about 7 years of school, although you’d pay it back in about 2 or 3 years with those salaries :P.