Alright, looking for an ultraportable laptop

My plan for college is to build my own upper-ish end computer for about $1500 and spent about $800 on a cheap laptop (obviously being on KirupaForum I do a lot of Flash/Photoshop/After Effects and a laptop alone doesn’t cut it, so I might as well get a cheap one) OR a tablet PC instead of a cheap laptop.

So, I’m looking for a very very ultraportable laptop for around $800-$1200 (Like say the Sony Vaio TX but much cheaper), or else a good tablet PC for about that much money… the only tablet manufacturer I know that’s really good is Motion (who also makes Gateway’s tablets).

So yeah, I know my way around desktops, but I haven’t been paying attention to the laptop/tablet pc market, so if anyone knows of something I might be interested in, please do reply.

Thanks (-:

Yeah well, what I noticed is that smaller, more portable laptops are way more expensive than the regular ones.

Try the Dell Latitude X1:

Doesn’t seem too bad…

I suggest one of 'em Lenovo Thinkpad M 3000 series. They’re sweet, and beautiful!

Hey guys, ironic how you two, whom I see and immediately associate with Macs, are the two that recommended PC laptops to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am NOT a fan of IBM at ALL, but I like the Latitude X1 suggestion, thanks. Just wish it ran just a smidge faster, but you can’t have everything right?

Well, a Mac isn’t something that would fit your request.

I have an IBM (Lenovo) notebook, and my main thing I like about it, is it’s durability. It’s lasted forever.

GWing - one of my friends has a Latitude X1, and he basically uses Remote Desktop Connection to work on stuff from his more powerful desktop. There are several Sony VAIO models that would fit the ultraportable category also, but like you mentioned in your first post, they are more expensive.

kirupa: what kind of more powerful stuff? I often use RDC, but avoid doing powerful things to avoid lag.

gwing: it may be hard to get a reasonable ultraportable with $800. Anyway, if you choose to go with dell, don’t forget to search ebay for coupons you could buy for 1 dollar.

Stuff like MS Office apps, multiple browser windows, etc. Though, the internet connection around here is pretty good, so that makes it more manageable to run heavy apps :te:

ah ok. For a moment I thought you were referring to playing games … that would’ve been a video nightmare :stuck_out_tongue:

video games work quite well through ssh, i would get dell, they are the cheap company and you often find many coupons

ok, i’ll do it.

12 Powerbook:D

There IS no more 12 inch Powerbook, if that’s what you meant.

I’m looking to do the bulk of my work on my desktop and just dabble in the occaisional photoshop and light game (rise of nations) on the laptop along with the obvious web and office work. I probably have to think it through a little more.

Kirupa: how is the X1 by itself? Responsive?

i agree w/nokrev about the thinkpad. i’ve been traveling with it (T40) everyday for almost 10 months straight and it’s been a champ. not to mention in that timeframe, it’s been on about 16-18 hours a day.

i’ve worked a bit with the X32’s also and they’re really nice although more pricey.

I’ve only seen it being used, but it did not seem laggy. From its specs, it doesn’t contain the greatest processor, and the RAM is shared with the video card, so for any video-intensive work/games, you’ll need to Remote Desktop.

For an ultra-portable though, it is very thin and lightweight. You pay for those benefits in performance and price :bandit:

Yeah, I figured as much. I’m kind of split between options right now, but thanks for the comments and input, everyone. :slight_smile: