That opening loud yelling and the bombing thing on the main page is kinda annoying. Plus, I prefer not having just working links in the navigation. Not the regulat text that isn’t an actual hyperlink.
*Originally posted by NaliWarCow *
** Plus, I prefer not having just working links in the navigation. Not the regulat text that isn’t an actual hyperlink. **
Could you be more specific, I do not understand what you are talking about.
Is this your 1st site ever? If so, well done. Its a nice attempt. Its pretty clean and its got a nice colour scheme, i like it.
If this isnt your first site, then you need to think about your navigation mainly. Its quite basic, though there is nothing wrong with being simplistic, changing the colour of the text on rollover of the mouse wouldnt be a hard thing to do, but it would make a lot of difference.
And i think NaliWarCow meant not to use ‘sleeping’ links in the navigation. Instead just include the links that are currently functional.
These are just our opinions, use them or ignore them, your choice,