This is my personal site and the first time I’ve ever used Flash to do it… so it’s not as advanced as some of these other sites on here!! Anyway, any feedback would be great.
Also, is there a way that I could have it so that no matter what size browser you are using the content on the page is always in the middle with no scroller on the far right?
I’m guessing the current frame rate is at the default of 12, coz everything looks pretty choppy. Update it to 30 and the animation will be much smoother
Maybe you could also add a a bar or an object indicating how much of the movie has loaded? It’s a little annoying for dial-uppers (like me ) to have to wait, not knowing for how much longer.
I like the effect on the homepage, and the over all style of the site; one last thing I would suggest is that you make the rollover animations on the mavigation a little more… animated (snazzy even).
With a little refinement and tweaking, this should shape up to be a very lovely site :beam: