Announcing Macromedia MX 2004

I have been lucky enough to join the MM beta testing team.
I wrote a fantastic review for all of you, about the new features and Actionscript 2. Its a big review, and I hope everyone will like it.

As for me, I’m going back scripting …

Here is the link, please pass it on, I could use the attention

That’s a nice review Eric :slight_smile:

I love the new object model and all those new features… :slight_smile:

On a side note, all donations are welcome, my paypal account is 987789654 :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks junioronline. pretty cool. :thumb: if i get some cash i will upgrade. but i wanna master MX first.

edit: i am with you ahmed!

****it! I was about to post that link, Eric :stuck_out_tongue:

That thread at bit’s might be interesting too:

pom :slight_smile:

FADGE!!! I am really excited about this release, but I know i won’t be able to afford it for a very long time. I might as well start saving now for Studio MX 2014 :thumb:

This looks quite interesting though :love:

I wont be getting my T-shirt because DigitalRiver screwed up my order

DAM YOU! :a:

oh well :wink:

Where the F*** are they gonna stash all these new panels?
Flash is gonna end up with as many menus as 3DS Max!!!
Coool! 599 for the Studio Flash Pro upgrade, add 100 and
you get a year of devnet added… Luckily it’s Xmas soon,
guess the kids won’t get any presents this year :wink:

eh kirupa, when are the new ‘ActionScript 2.0’ and ‘Flash MX 2004’ forums gonna be up? :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah kirupa … its about time …
questions (althought its in the future) can already be answered

I think Kirupa should wait until the release of the program to offer up forum sections for it. After all, the only people who would have questions/problems with the software (other than information on the software… which can all be found at the link in this thread anyway) are people who…

A) Were good enough at Flash that Macromedia allowed them to beta test the program


B) Someone who somehow managed to yank an unauthorized copy.

Well, thats why Macromedia openend the reviewers resource before the announcement, instead of at the same time.
And the information that came out earlier was leaked. I’m sure nobody could have had an unauthorized copy, because each reviewer has his own key, and needs to activitate through internet.

The security scares me …

There are always Corporate copies that float around. I can’t wait tell my district gets our copies. See we are a Macromedia and Microsoft partner so I get everything with either no CD key or if it even has 1 it is a unlimited amount of use and doesn’t validate on the web. :wink: :p:

*Originally posted by Eric Jr. *
**Well, thats why Macromedia openend the reviewers resource before the announcement, instead of at the same time.
And the information that came out earlier was leaked. I’m sure nobody could have had an unauthorized copy, because each reviewer has his own key, and needs to activitate through internet.

The security scares me … **
Well, i think it’s safe for me now to say that I got a chance to beta test the new version without being a regular beta tester (although i had my own key to activate it… ), I can’t give any more details on that but blah, Flash mx Pro 2004 is one hell of a software :slight_smile:

it’ll be a long time young grasshopper

ahmed so do you want the shirts on plain white or black? the printer needs to know! :stuck_out_tongue: lol jk

lol… i got no shirt with it ;(

Someone has posted a review of Studio MX 2004 on webmonkey… for those of you that read Colin Moock’s blog I suspect this will come as no surprise.

Anyway, the review is here:

They are doing a demonstration of it and ActionScript2 @ MM :

Wednesday, September 3, 2003
6:30 PM Reception
7:00 PM Presentation Begins

Macromedia Headquarters, 1st Floor Conference Room
600 Townsend Street (corner of 7th Street),
San Francisco 94103

If I weren’t out of town that day, I’d go…


here is another:

*Originally posted by Eric Jr. *
**I have been lucky enough to join the MM beta testing team.
I wrote a fantastic review for all of you, about the new features and Actionscript 2. Its a big review, and I hope everyone will like it.

As for me, I’m going back scripting …

Here is the link, please pass it on, I could use the attention **

*Originally posted by *
**here is another: **

Uhhh… mdipi
