Announcing Macromedia MX 2004

i merged two threads lost :beam:

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**i merged two threads lost :beam: **

ohhh… now it all makes sense:sleep:


overloading would have been nice :-\

shibby shibby sweet ahmed! thanks for the link, this should be a dozy!

*Originally posted by senocular *
**overloading would have been nice :-\ **
yup… I though now that AS 2.0 supports strict datatyping, I was quiet confident overloading would be supported, but nooo, actionscript can’t be perfect :frowning:

Guys is anyone excited about Macromedia 2004?

check it out


I merged the threads…

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**yup… I though now that AS 2.0 supports strict datatyping, I was quiet confident overloading would be supported, but nooo, actionscript can’t be perfect :frowning: **

whats over loading? and, there will be an AS 3.0 :crazy:
nice :snug:

*Originally posted by *
**whats over loading? and, there will be an AS 3.0 :crazy: **
Basically, what overloading lets you do i have a class with two identical member function whos names are the same, but they take different types of arguments… look at the code below and see if that helps :slight_smile:

class MyClass

function tracetype ( argument:String )
trace ( 'the string you entered is: \'' + argument + '\'')

function tracetype ( argument:Number )
trace ( 'the number you entered is: \'' + argument + '\'')


If overloading was supported, if you say

MyInstance = new MyClass();
MyInstance.tracetype( 'mike' );

would call the tracetype function that takes in strings and not numbers, and hence will output ‘the <b>string</b> you entered is ‘mike’’… but since overloading is not supported, that script would throw many errors on defining a function twice in your code :slight_smile:

hope that helps :wink:

Wow I never knew anything like that existed. That would be nice to be able to do that in AS… bastards!

Maybe in the future :shrug:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**They are doing a demonstration of it and ActionScript2 @ MM :

Wednesday, September 3, 2003
6:30 PM Reception
7:00 PM Presentation Begins

Macromedia Headquarters, 1st Floor Conference Room
600 Townsend Street (corner of 7th Street),
San Francisco 94103

If I weren’t out of town that day, I’d go…

Rev **

They are also doing 1 in Fresno, CA along with giving away Studio MX 2004.

Here is the site with details.

I plan on attending.

ahmed :thumb:

i dont understand it but one day :thumb:

lol… i knew you wouldn’t :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok… how a function works…

function name() - creates a function

function name(arguments) - creates a function where you use arguments within it… for example… [AS]function move(x, y){
//using the x argument
clipInstanceName._x = x;
//using the y argument
clipInstanceName._y = y;
//example usage
move(250, 200);
//it would move the clip to the coords (250, 200)

Now time for ahmeds functions… [AS]function tracetype ( argument:String )
trace ( ‘the string you entered is: ‘’ + argument + ‘’’)

    function tracetype ( argument:Number )
            trace ( 'the number you entered is: '' + argument + ''')

Take careful note that both the function names are exactly the same (tracetype). But as you see, the arguments are written differently. One says argument:String and the other says argument:Number. So if this were to actually work, if you call the function and have a string as the argument example (tracetype(“mike”)) then the function with the argument:String as an argument variable will be called, but if you called the function with a number as the argument value (tracetype(255)) then the function with the argument:Number as an argument variable would be called instead of the one with argument:String.

nice explanation… :slight_smile:
thanks for clearing up my point :wink:

Sorry if this sounds dumb, but wouldn’t that just be like creating 2 seperate functions anyway, just giving them the same name? Is there really a point to it or am I missing something?

ok i get it now. lost is good at explaining things :thumb:

twitch: say if you didnt know if it were a string or a number, but you wantted your function to stay the same for both you would use that. am i correct? i think thats what you would use it for.