Announcing Macromedia MX 2004

um… look at this, assuming overloading IS supported:

class MyClass

var string_var = "default string";
var num_var = 42; // default number

// constructor, takes in string:
function MyClass ( argument:String )
string_var = argument;

// constructor, takes in number:
function MyClass ( argument:Number )
num_var = argument;


MyInstance = new MyClass( 'overloading?' );

trace ( MyInstance.num_var ) // traces '42'

… what happened above is, when the MyClass constructor function was called and given a string, that argument is stored in the string variable, and num_vars’s value remained the same… you see the point? :slight_smile:

The way around it is this:

class MyClass

var string_var = "default string";
var num_var = 42; // default number

// constructor
function MyClass ( argument)
if ( typeof(argument) == String ) string_var = argument;
else if ( typeof(argument) == Number ) num_var = argument;


[size=1]again, im not good at explaining things ;(… lost?[/size]

You are good at explaining Ahmed, but you need to stress the importance of the functions being the same name… which I think is what people are getting confused about.

Since I suck at OOP, perhaps you would be better at explaining the importance of constructor functions and why in this case you want them to be the same name.

Wow that was a good explination, it managed to clear it up and confuse me more. Thanks hunny bunnies.

Hey Flashers,
The new flash MX release with, FMX2004&FMX2004 professional
Whole lot of new features:)

Timeline Effects and Behaviors
Extensibility Layer and Third-Party Extensions
Improved Runtime Performance
PDF and EPS File Support
Alias Text
Productivity Features
Accessible Content
Globalization Tools
ActionScript 2.0
Jump-start Features

Learn more

i think we 've already have had a thread on this my frnd =)

fourth thread merger :-\ if someone didn’t notice that one…

for anyone in the toronto area

FlashinTO Gathering 21 / Macromedia Studio MX 2004 Presentation


Macromedia just announced a new generation of MX. It’s called MX 2004. New
versions of Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, and Studio. Come see the first
public demonstrations of these products and possibly win your own copy of
Studio MX 2004!

Join FlashinTO and Macromedia for the first public demonstrations of
Dreamweaver MX 2004, Fireworks MX 2004, Flash MX 2004, Flash Professional
MX 2004 and Studio MX 2004. Over 130 User Groups are participating in the
first-ever worldwide User Group event, broadcast around the world using
Breeze Live. Plus, we’ll will be raffling off a copy of Studio MX 2004!

Please note: Due to the overwhelming reply from people wishing to attend
this meeting, we have broken this evening of events into two parts and two
locations, both on the evening of:

Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2003

PART ONE: CFMX and Studio MX 2004 presentation

Time: 5:30 to 8:30
Location:OISE Auditorium - Main Lobby (Ontario Institute for Studies in
252 Bloor St. West, Toronto (Bloor and St. George Area)
(directions: or
5:30 - 6:30 CFMX 6.1 Presentation by Brian Donovan, Macromedia
6:30 - 7:00 Break
7:00 - 8:30 Studio MX 2004 - Live Presentation from Macromedia in San

Note: we will have buses going from the first location to the second
between 8:30-9:00

PART TWO: Reception, food, drinks, Flash 2004 Q&A w/ Colin Moock, Relay
Function, & prizes

Time: 8:30 - onward
Location: Mockingbird 580 King St. W (North side of King, just East of
9:30 Q & A on Flash MX 2004 with Colin Moock,
10:00 relayFunction 06: Nemesis Group is bringing relayFunction back to
FlashinTO once again! More info–>

Which version of Flash MX would be best for webdesign, and application Flash MX 2004 or the Professional version? Im kinda confused?

Art: It looks like for building web applications and what not Pro is the way to go, with advanced AS 2.0 and all. Standard is i think ment more for tweening and animation, not so much interfacing and what not. I honestly belive that if oyu want the full MX04 experience then its Pro, that seems to be where the biggest change is, but i havent use them yet. wait to get a more solid answer before buying.


Thanx MD, I think I’ll wait till after Christmas. The price is just ridiculous, costs more than my Flat Panel Monitor I know they will reduce the price on Flash after the New Year for sure by February itll be cheaper. I’m sure we’ll all learn more about the advantages of Flash 2004 Pro, but I would suggest people to wait off till New Year to buy the software, if they wanna save a couple of bucks.

WHoa and i thought the original Flash MX was good… THis is gonna be the biggest revolution ever!

didn’t you see the ruduction pacage? if you have Flash 5 you get it for 299 bucks on the other hand if you have flash 4 you have to pay over 1000 dollars on the program

i acctually bought Studio MX (not 04) just a few weeks ago cause i got such a good price and a student discount so it ended up being like 179.00USD for shipping too :thumb: but i deff want to upgrade, but i am going to wait like you said, even upgrades are outragious.

There’s another ‘additional’ tour-ish thingy here:

I cant afford the new Studio 2004. I would love to have it but, with most professional software, its just too much for me.