This one is perhaps more entertaning than my last (fairly) drunken story.
Ok so i’m having a drink with my friends in the SU (Student’s Union) bar. It’s a club night, so there’s a dance floor, more people, cheaper drinks etc…
We are sitting having a drink, and i’m pissing about with my phone when some guy comes over to me and says ‘Hey, youve been staring at me for ages’.
So I say, ‘What? Who are you?’.
So he says, ‘Dude, you’ve been giving me the eye…blah…blah’.
Eventually he says ‘I think you’d better buy me a drink to apologise’.
Of course I told him to go sodomise himself (the whole thing was just him being a prick to get free drinks, like hell i’m having any of it), and he starts mouthing off, saying ‘Seriously, i’m starting to get angry here, if you don’t buy me a drink, i’m gonna hit you’.
I say, ‘**** off, you don’t have the balls to hit me, go ahead and try, i’l just knock you out’.
Then he says ‘Ok, if you don’t buy me a drink, i’l hit you friend’.
Again I tell him to **** off, both me and my friend are having words with this guy and eventually he backs off. We told the bouncers about him aswel.
My other friend wasen’t there at the time, but when he got back and hear about it he said ‘You should have hit that guy’.