Well, it’s that time of year again…for yearly evaluations! (insert girly shriek for the guys and manly shriek for the gals)
Anyway, is there anything on the site than you all feel should be changed, added, removed, etc.? I am interested in what you all have to say - negative comments are also apprciated!
I posted this question in the secret council a few months ago - so for some of you this question is fairly old :bandit:
Well I already brought this up with Lost and I’m sure he brought it up with you Kirupa, but my only concern is the sticky tutorial thread in D&D. Seems like a lot of people are oblivious to it and so lost and I have seen many questions posted about tutorials.
I thought if there was a way to highlight the thread’s title to make it bold or some other color that will make it stand out more would be great.
Other than that, I think things are great the way they are. =)
Phil, your idea is brilliant!! Don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier. Dan, sure, I’ll add your smiley up as well - it’s a little too tall, but I hope it looks fine along with the other smileys =)
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**im glad you asked…
you know… you absolutely, incredibly, rediculously… RIGHT! I dont think Kirupa has enough of those. :-\
as for your suggestion, Phil, Ive always used the jumpbox which gives you access to each link in the chain as well as every other portion of the site. hitting go striaght off takes you another level up (as its defaulted to be within that forum of the thread), so I personally dont have a problem with the chain not being down there. But thats just me
Phil: http://www.kirupa.com/temp.htm It’s not yet done. I’ve only finished work on the left side. The right side of that page will be worked on tomorrow. I’m planning on having a “3 latest posts” link on there similar to the Most Recent Posts link on the home page.
b4, threads made at beginning of day were pushed down to 2nd pg by the end of the day even if alot of people replied to the thread, simply too many threads and new ideas were presented
lately, threads made 2-3 days ago are still on first page…
i’ll post some funny stuff when i can =)
anyone love my avatar as much as me? i don’t know why its simply breath taking the drawing…and no i’m not gay i just love these amazing drawings
Kirupa: i don’t know how you can improve the place anymore, its beyond your control…the influx of new “immigrants” as i refer to us and ourselves, we will make the forums history class…forgive me terms stuck in head
stocks, immigrants, the frontier everything is in head, i wish it would leave
how about being able to make your own css without having to have you help!! :to: ah, to hard, well… we could have a pop-up at a set time daily that says “GO TO SLEEP NOW” and doesn’t let you surf the forums for the rest of the night, how about at 2:10 am