It was worked on for a class I just finished, but I’d like some opinions/suggestions/critiques on it. This is right now becoming my own personal web porfolio site and it’s the first one I’ve done with flash. Heck… it’s the first major thing I’ve coded with flash too aside from simple play buttons for this quarter’s midterm project.
Either way, here’s the url.
There is one bug remaining with the site that I know of, but I think it’s something server/domain side, not flash side, but I can’t tell where or what is causing it. Sometimes, the site freezes on loading when the www is in the url. If that happens, just remove the www and it should work fine.
Also, does anyone know of a good bit of AS3 code that will do dynamic scrolling areas? I’d like to implement something like that for my thumbnails in the 4 galleries, but I’ve no idea where to even start with something like that.