:stunned: I think I did…
It was a wonderful adventure camp with friends.
we all had to camp in a forest on a Island hilltop…
It was already too dark… we walked till the camping spot… it was just the 9 of us…
we all were very cool talking about ghosts and spirits…
Donno if they exist or no but at that moment it was very thrilling…
All of us tired of a whole day river rafting and floating on water…
all the 9 of us sleeping right below the stars. Was an ultimate experience… but wen really somethign strange happened…
It was around 11.30 in the night. All of them fell asleep. One of my friend had just told us about some strange thing passing by her wen we walked up to the camp…
none of us believed it.
Me and one of my friend could not sleep we were talking till around 1.40 am and we saw something passs by us… Very close to us.
It was very strange… and very scary… absolute silence and dark sky.
we were stunned coz the experience was very strange, all others were sleeping… no one on the island… its an isolated place and some one passed by in such a speed that we could see someone and we dint see anyone…
We were interested to know wat it was…
But the guide who had taken us to this place… had told us something
“Ghosts are everywhere… Its just that they are not interested in us, If they would be interested is when the problem is”
Oh god!
We could not even move a little bit…
Just waited for the night to get over sooon…
we were out of the camp the next day morning…
and back home that night.
This was something I had never experienced and soemthing I would not want to.