Anyone see the Russian Fireballs?

I was sitting in the neighbours yard, having a few :wink: me, my gf, the neighbours and another neighbour, Saturday night. My girlfriend pointed at the sky and said “hey, what is that?” She was pretty tipsy by this point, so we thought she was seeing things…but then we all were…What we saw: five red, glowing objects streaking across the sky. They weren’t shooting stars, they were all going the same direction, and weren’t fizzling out like shooting stars do. We watched them until they went behind the Niagara Escarpment - about 20 seconds - so it seemed…anyway, we had no idea what they were. My neighbour told me tonight she’s found out,and gave me this address:

change the date on the right to June 27

did anyone else see this? This is a once in a lifetime thing!!!
