Tonight, the 4th of July, I was shooting off fire works with Replode. We were just setting off some little harmless bottle rockets when i had an idea. He shoots them through a grinding rail while i hold it. Like a Bazooka. It sounded good, so we did it. The first few times went OK but then the third time came. The last and most SCARY. He shot one through the pipe and all the sparks came down on ME. Leaving me on FIRE. Once I saw the flames I tore my shirt off and beat the shirt on the ground getting the sparks and whatnot out of it. I could have died because i was the only one who saw it. Everyone else was looking at the rocket. That’s my 4th of July story for this year. A couple of years ago at my grandmas I almost blew my hand off. But that’s another story. I laugh now but at those two times i was crappin my pants.
i had trouble throwing the bottle rockets, cause id throw one then it would fire somewhere else. once i hit a house (luckily no one was home) and one came back at me. we still have a whole bag full to use for an action movie.
you threw…bottle rockets?
here’s something you should try:
take a 2-liter bottle and stick about 5 bottle rockets in to, facing toward the bottom of the bottle. now take all of the fuses and light them through the opening. next, run. if you’re lucky, the rockets will propel the bottle just before it explodes.
i have so much fun with explosives sometimes…
we put an M-5000(it explodes, not a rocket) inside a rootbeer bottle and it busted into a bunch of pieces, which we had to clean up.
is why they are illegal…
just think how bad you’d feel if you had lost a digit…
or burned down a block…
or fried a friend…
things go boom!
Fireworks story:
Already told the one about ripping off the sticks of bottle rockets and the thing coming back at us.
One time at band camp, I stuck a firecracker (i don’t know the m-## names) in my latrine. It was awesome, there was a huge hole in the “stuff” at the bottom.
Once we had a stop sign roman candle shooting contest. We stood about 60 feet away and shot roman candles at the stop sign. It was fun, but we forgot to look what was behind the stop sign in case we missed. Grass, lots of grass. Luckily none of it caught on fire.
And rev, I see millions of people die from smoking each year. Yet, I’ve never heard of someone dying from fireworks. Why should cigarettes be allowed but an exploding ball of fire not?
a used bottle rocket landed square on my head one new year’s eve…:-\ i’m here to tell about it.
landed or shot you in the head?
Guys, as i sit here now sipping on a Coke and looking at the computer screen, after i almost died tonight, i’ve been thinking that we take too much for granted in this world. i look down at the holes in my shirt from where the fire ate away at it trying to get to my skin, and i think, “i got lucky.” Be thankfull for what you got even if it’s a cup of coffee creamer and a toothbrush, at least your coffee will taste better and your teeth will be clean. I got set on fire and i’m a better man because of it.
A quote from one of my favorite movies:
I came, I saw, I got blown up.
Earnest Goes To Jail.
*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**And rev, I see millions of people die from smoking each year. Yet, I’ve never heard of someone dying from fireworks. Why should cigarettes be allowed but an exploding ball of fire not? **
because smoking doesn’t take your hand off in one small instance of time… and entire building aren’t blown up by ciggies…
people who smoke don’t generally endanger the innocent people who aren’t even in the vacinity (outside of secondary smoke area)…
I personally haven’t heard of anyone losing a limb, or starting someone on fire from ciggies…
do you actually compare a cigarette to a burning, exploding, ball of fire, controlled by an idiot who can’t even drive without trying to run someone off the road?
and finally… you don’t <b>aim</b> a cigarette at anything and expect it to blow up in a specified pattern.
If I walked up to you, and said, stand here while I light this explosive… would you calmly stand there? But yet idiots stand there while some slack-jawed idiot lights a quarter stick of dynamite that they have stuck inside of a bottle…
actually there a hundreds of firework related injuries/deaths per year. They dont get a lot of press but it happens. Some poor sap died this year at a fireworks display. He was a professional pyrotechnician with 13 or so years experience and he died while setting off the grand finale…
awsome replode…
I mean… uh… oh sorry that happened
That’s not funny. Well it kind of is. Now.
well… maybe you shouldn’t play around with fireworks then?
The grind rail seemed long enough that no sparks would hit me. I was wrong.
that doesn’t really detract from the fact that you were playing with fireworks/misusing them… serves you right
It was a setup by the government, they put extra sparks in this rocket. They’re trying to kill me. I’m scared.
now you are starting fo sound like Phil…
I wouldn’t go there… it’s a long way home…
Who’s Phil?
don’t worry, you will meet Unca Phil when his connection gets back…