Anyone use maya here?

ok i just bought a book which is great btw but i got to a section that i finished the animation and rendering process but i need some other app like after effects to compose it does anyone know if its possible to do this with maya and not after effects?? or am i doomed and need to get after effects and yet learn another app :angry:

why not just render is as a .avi or a .mov? there should be a place to do that, there is in 3dsm. just look around.

no the problem is i have a render of some sparks and a render of the ball jumping through a hoop here check it out its a 380 kb mpg
here check it out so you know what i mean its supposedly called compositing or some crap like that any way heres the link of the ball animation ill be posting the sparks animation in a few seconds

Maya used to come with composer (Im pretty sure its a component of maya) … I think they might have stopped making it… I guess youd know if you had it or not.

ok here the link with the sparks i have to merge these both in order to achieve what im talking about

thanks for the help

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Maya used to come with composer (Im pretty sure its a component of maya) … I think they might have stopped making it… I guess youd know if you had it or not. **

do you know where i can acces it, i got maya 4.5 unlimited any ideas??

you bought 4.5U? whoa good buy! why not build the sparks in? and try running a google search.

because the book says its something to do with hardware renderings and software renderings and honestly im clueless :-\

hmm…they said to use AfterEffects? well then i guess tahts the only way :-\ sorry i couldnt help.