I dunno whether I should try to get a copy of it or not. It looks pretty friggin’ sweet, but I’m curious what kinda stuff you guys can do with it.
Submit your after effects stuff please:)
lots of AE amongst other stuff there.
If you are doing motion graphics, it’s the one to get (at first at least).
www.videocopilot.net arguably the best tutorial resource for AE.
^ awesome link mate, just watched the car hit tutorial, awesome stuff!
after effects is an awesome tool
(as long as you don’t do heavy compositing =) )
tear comes to eye
…me… want…
There wouldn’t happen to be any good open source of something similar?
Nope. After FX pwns… At least for motion graphics and lighter side of compositing.
It sucks that my school didn’t splurge for it with their CS3.
[QUOTE=mlk;2346244](as long as you don’t do heavy compositing =) )[/QUOTE]
Heh…I suppose that all depends on the processors and setup being used to do the compositing and rendering. After Effects is, after all, used at the highest of professional levels to do some serious work.
I do know what it feels like to try and render even the most basic of composites using a 5 year old eMac @ 1.33 GHz…man…and don’t get me started on rendering out things from 3D software on that thing.
is one program (open source) that i’ve heard of as theoretically an AE rival. However I haven’t looked into it at ALL and just read that it’s still in alpha so may not be any use at all.
but perhaps one to keep an eye on.
[QUOTE=Illustratr;2346523]Heh…I suppose that all depends on the processors and setup being used to do the compositing and rendering. After Effects is, after all, used at the highest of professional levels to do some serious work.[/QUOTE]
Heh I’ve been churning out 3D passes all day every day for the last two weeks, and I’m putting them together, and I’d cry if I had to composite them in something other than Fusion (which is similar to Shake, Nuke, Combustion and Toxik).
Don’t get me wrong, we’re fortunate enough to also have AE and I still do titles, stockshot tweaking and more on after effects because it’s so clear to use, but it’s definitely not the best tool for compositing 3d (especially if you have a lot of alpha layers and dozens of passes for on shot)
[QUOTE=mlk;2347883]Heh I’ve been churning out 3D passes all day every day for the last two weeks, and I’m putting them together, and I’d cry if I had to composite them in something other than Fusion (which is similar to Shake, Nuke, Combustion and Toxik).
Don’t get me wrong, we’re fortunate enough to also have AE and I still do titles, stockshot tweaking and more on after effects because it’s so clear to use, but it’s definitely not the best tool for compositing 3d (especially if you have a lot of alpha layers and dozens of passes for on shot)[/QUOTE]
Couldn’t agree more…I would never use AE to do 3D compositing (well, I have…and I would if I had to again ). In my previous post I only wanted w1sh know that AE is a very capable program and worth adding into a workflow if you didn’t have anything else comparable as a substitute or already in place. As for the rendering of 3D on the Mac I was mentioning…that was in reference to the time it takes to render out even the most basic of scenes using processors not generally meant to handle that kind of workload. Geez…it would sometimes take up to 2 days to merely do some shadow testing in 3DS Max (or Maya).
I’m glad to hear that you use Fusion in your workflow as that is something I’ve been aching to try and your touting of the product has perhaps been the catalyst for me to finally do so.
I’m glad to hear that you use Fusion in your workflow as that is something I’ve been aching to try and your touting of the product has perhaps been the catalyst for me to finally do so. :)[/QUOTE]
The developpers of fusion added silly little quotes here and there, and even when it crashes it alerts the user that it had nothing to do with it… :beam:
I’ve been really impressed by some rendering capabilies of the mac, we have craploads of crappy pc at school (but it’s better to have 20 cheap machines then 2 ultra good ones) and some friend lent a mac mini, and it was astoundly fast for such a small machine…