Maya: here i go

back again with maya …

after reading the help-files (great advice, 3-diva! :smirk: ) ive done this trashcan with maya:

whoa! first time you said? cool! very nice, you model everything? well now get into MAX! hahah! i love MAX SOOOO much!

yeah, first time, i got maya last week, all models myself, because of my beeing a newbie, i worked 3 hours on it…

i think ill first get into maya and then start with 3dsmax =)

the rendering isnt what i wanted…:-\

hey fishy, there’s really no need (as far as i know) to use both maya and 3dsmax… both are top level programs and technically you can do pretty much all the same stuff with both…

but then again, i don’t really know about 3d programs :stuck_out_tongue:


well, i want to know as much as possible… =) because if you want to start at a gamingfirm, and only have experiences with 3dsmax, that wont be that good… but i’m concentrating on maya

true dat, more exp is always better i guess :stuck_out_tongue: not my thousands of dollars you’re spending

but perhaps it’s better to be REALLY good with one, than fairly good at 2?

maybe it’d be fairly similar, learning 3ds after maya wouldn’t be as hard…

go for it!

nice pic! But the white bottle should be solid… like no transparency! Like a toilet cleaner or sth! =)

nah it seems to be transparent! doh’! Fishtank!!! Is it reflective? or is there some transparency? :q: :bounce:

its transparent… :geek:

and reflective…

nicely done :smiley:

im also using maya… in about 4 weeks now :stuck_out_tongue:

just gonna post a pic

4 Downloads of my pic… still no reply´s :sure:

I would put soem stuff on the sea floor. Nice start

yours too mad dog :wink:

very kewl, mad dog… =) how did you do that wave-light-reflection-howeveritscalled-thing ?

how long did you work on it? is every fish done out of one nurb-sphere?

that reflection your talking about is acheived by using an image for your light to be shined through… in this case the image would have wavy lines in all directions (black and white) - at least this is how you do it in 3d studio max.

hope this helps


hey mariofan, ive got a problem: i would need pics of a super nintendo-motherboard… not only from the top… i guess you’re the one who can help me…

im on the case! ill take the pics today!!

its good to know both 3dsmax and maya because you dont know where you’d be working if you’re planning to go to a studio. most doing games and things like that use 3dsmax, as higher scale jobs like movies use maya. i use c4d because its cheaper (i dont have the money for a 10 thousand dollar program) and its the closest to maya you’ll get.

i tried miya for an hour, then quit. lol i was just so bored and didnt want to learn a whole new program

*Originally posted by fishtank *
**well, i want to know as much as possible… =) because if you want to start at a gamingfirm, and only have experiences with 3dsmax, that wont be that good… but i’m concentrating on maya **

Max is a respected tool for Game model creation. I could name half a dozen games that used max as their primary modelling tool (Half-Life and Morrowind are my fav’s). Of course, I’m a max fan… I might be a little biased.

Nice pic for a first try… keep at it!