Hi! I tried searching for the answer to this one, but i think its much more then dynamic html as it also involves photos. Does anyone have any clues how the scrolling to the right hand side of this example is achieved?
I know how to do dynamic text scrolls and such thanks to the tutorials here, but this seems to be a bit further then just that? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, thanks again in advance!
If that’s not achieved using the scroll pane component, you can contain all the text and photos in a movieclip and mask that movieclip so only a certain portion is viewable, and then create a button that will alter the _y position of the movieclip with the content… i think i confused you with wat i said above, so i’ll try to make a sampler
I tried the scroll pane component but it seems to only work with the text and not if i tried to code in any sort of images, etc. So Yes, I’m a tad confused, so if it’s no trouble for you to make a sampler, that would be a GREAT help!! Thanks in advance!!
Oh cool, thanks so much! This looks fine and it’ll help me figure it out much better then just staring at the example i posted and thinking ‘how’d they do that??’ Thanks again!