Anything that remains to be done

Good eye Ilyas.

I’m going to “attempt” to improve the look of the forums by changing the dull tables to something more interesting such as what is on ultrashock’s boards or even twelvestone (thanks sen for posting that link hehe).

Basically, I might modify the light-blue cell seen in areas such as “Post Reply”, “Author”, etc. with something like this: (Except the color will remain the light blue)

EDIT: Tried to add that, and it looked goofy. For some reason, a part of me likes the way the forums are, but another part makes me think that it looks too simple…cursed voices in my head hehe.

Kirupa :goatee:

I love the way the forums are!!!

They look good this way :slight_smile:

I think most of the suggestions made have been implemented. Are there any further changes that you all feel need to be done, added, removed, etc.?

Kirupa :block:

Unbanning powers?

Oh - can moderators actually not unban users?

I can’t see any option in the CP that unbans a user.

lol… in my pm, i said that i couldn’t unban max, it wasn’t even an option… and we can’t edit banned users either =)

Ah my bad - I thought you meant you were about to unban him, and I just happened to find out about at the wrong time :slight_smile: Yeah, I just tried my test account ‘kirupac’ and there is no option for unbanning. That is just wrong :slight_smile:

I’ll see what I can do.

Kirupa :A+:

I tried installing several Mod unbanning hacks, and they are conflicting with prior mod hacks I installed. The only method that may work would be if the current mod features (editing a user, etc.) were removed, and then the current features installed. That doesn’t seem worth it - does it?

Idea! How about enabling group switching in the editing form. (Of course, only 2 groups enabled, which are Banned by Moderators group, and Registered group, so we can just switch between these two whenever we want to ban-unban.)

PS. Mods control panel links are directing into the admin control panel. :q:

hm… but as i said, once a member is banned, a mod cannot edit his account

Ah thanks for pointing that out - I fixed that. That is a brilliant idea; I’ll move those around shortly :slight_smile:

EDIT: hmm, what ahmed says is also true. I couldn’t do anything to a banned user in the kirupac account.

kirupa, just a little suggestion, why don’t you log on kirupac under invisible mode? =)

replode has noticed a new moderator called ‘kirupac’ and… well, maybe people are better off not knowing about your testing account)

Good idea ahmed :slight_smile: On another note, I think all of us should be able to ban and unban users without a problem thanks to H88. H88 gave me a link to a vBulletin hack ( which is actually the same one currently installed, but I failed to notice the comments in one of the lines that allowed moderators to edit user groups; all I had to do was simply add the user group id number for a banned user in the code ( 8 ) :ub:

Kirupa :thumb:

That’s cool kirupa, glad you’ve sorted it out. :slight_smile:

[edit]Kirupa: Lost and EG once wanted to edit a member’s avatar, b/c the member ripped off one of the set of avatars EG had done for mods, and the problem was we can’t replace avatars into our own. The solution would be solved if you only assign $canedit[avatars] to 2. Thanks. :)[/edit]

h88, thanks for bringing that up, I forgot about it! :slight_smile:

H88, thanks again - enabled that feature :slight_smile: Ahmed pointed me to a cool hack that allows us to bump a thread without having to actually reply in it. It can be found in the Admin Options drop-down menu inside every thread. Here’s a ss from ahmed’s server:

EDIT: Forgot to apply it to all the styles; it may work in a few minutes :slight_smile:

Kirupa :ub:

HAHA, cool, I just used it on this thread… ROCKIN!!!