Anything that remains to be done

The thing is I didn’t recieve a mail notification (not sure if we have to recieve one, but it would certainly be better), however, i can’t get the option of bumping in clownstaple’s purple style.

oh, you’re not supposed to get notified by email, not that i know of :slight_smile:

h88 - I just used clownstaples’ style, and I am able to bump without a problem. Are you still have this problem?

Showing now, thanks. :slight_smile:

Just wondering - does anyone else notice an annoying shift in the navigation buttons and the header when browsing the forums at a higher resolution. I was browsing the site on 1600x1200 on a laptop a few moments ago, and I noticed that the header, content, and footer were not aligned neatly :eye:

I use 1024x768…

and they have never lined up for me. They do in Netscape, but in IE the header is about 50 pixels to the left…


AAHA! :love:

BUMP! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gah! Works in Netscape and not in IE - what a tragedy :slight_smile:

that’ll teach ppl to use IE! :wink:

The problem is caused by the tables in the UserCP, Register, etc. buttons :frowning:

How about now? The discrepancy isn’t as bad as it was earlier. Rev/eilsoe - if you are both still having a problem, would it be possible for the both you to post a screenshot?

Kirupa :beam:


IE 6


happened since day 1… so I’ve just ignored it, thinking it was just me…


ai - I wish I had been informed of this sooner :slight_smile: I’ll try to fix it rev!


it really hasn’t bothered me…



I just polled a few people on AIM whether they notice this shift, and all of them said no. Here is a ss from my comp:

Rev - what version of Internet Explorer are you using?

Kirupa :goatee:

Kirupa, check under his screenshot: IE… :wink:
Me using that too, me never any problem, board looka justa fine!

Ah thanks eyezberg :slight_smile: That is strange why the table layout works sometime but doesn’t work at other times.

I don’t know if this has been happening to anyone else, but ahmed and I have been experiencing some problems. Every now and then our browsers would lock up or crash when trying to view certain things on the forum.

At first I thought it had to do with the forum style I’m using, but the problem still remained after I switched back to the defualt blue style.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? I think Lost might have as well.

Hey electron,
Ahmed IM’ed me about that earlier, and I am wondering if you happen to have a URL of a thread that may happen to be giving you problems.

My guess is that the problems is a Flash animation that hasn’t fully loaded, and that is causing the temporary freeze. More than likely, the main server that hosts the random icons that display in the header may have been down, and that is what caused the freezes. I won’t know for certain unless I have a URL; next time you notice that - feel free to IM or PM me the URL.

Kirupa :beam:

it’s footers in long threads, i had that too, now it’s footers off & no more pb’s.