Anything that remains to be done

Yep, sorry for the angles.jpg, but believe it or not, I couldn’t get it to show up in the HTML page, so instead of clubbing my computer to death, I decided not to include it :crazy:

Lost >> That’s a very good idea, I’ll change that.
Sen >> Very good idea too, I’ll fix it when I get home.


Actually, concerning the angles, I guess a link to your tute would be enough, don’t you think, sen?

Ilyas: You couldn’t get an image to show up in an HTML page? You did use <img src=“image”> right? I can’t think of why it wouldn’t work unless you mistargeted or had a typo.

Exactly. I don’t understand either :-\ I have to stop eating spicy food…

What kind of file type is it?

A jpg. You know what? I’ll post the image someday, and that way you can see what’s happening. It might just be a problem when I’m viewing the page…

Ok, that sounds good. Because i’m really interested in what is up.

Lost >> Sorry, I threw it away :frowning:

Version 2.0.

Thanks pom! I’ll try to have it added by the end of next week.

On another note, I have set vBulletin to show all images that are attached in the forums when the thread is viewed. This removes the need for a person to click on the image attachment link and then open it.

Any opinions on that tute? Please :beam: I’m sure there are 1000 things to change :frowning:

pom - sorry about not getting back to you about this. I’ll probably break your tutorial into several smaller tutorials. If I get enough, I could break it up into a new section like I did for sen’s. The first of your tutorials is here:

btw, do you have a pixel person or a smiley that you want used along with your name? In the meantime I’ll use this:


The head is perfect, Kir :slight_smile: And the tute looks really good, great work! I don’t know about the English, but it looks good :smiley:

The file member2.php ( seems to be missing! Do you know anything about this, kirupa? :-\

hmm - when do you use that file? I remember moving some files around a few days ago to install the User Activity Level hack, but I think it should be there somewhere. I’ll add it back in shortly :bad:

When subscribing/unsubscribing from threads, etc.

The weird thing is… the problem started yesterday (I noticed it about an hour before I replied), so I don’t think that you moved it that day to install the hack. :stuck_out_tongue:

That file is missing, for I think I remember I deleted it thinking it was a backup I made of member.php a while ago. I just renewed my vBulletin license, so it will take about 24 hours before I have access to their member area to download that file again :slight_smile:

EDIT: Subscriptions should work now :wink:

Yep, it’s working now! :thumb:

Well it’s been a few months, so any other suggestions? I went through this thread and I think most of the features that are reasonable have been implemented.

If there is anything else - no matter how minor, feel free to reply.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue: