Anything that remains to be done

looks like you got it whuppppped, Kirupa.



There is still some excess on the right, but it is better than what it was earlier. I’ll fix all the styles hopefully by tomorow then.

I want to make a forum style :beam:

By the way, sorry about that thread kirupa. :frowning:

oh no problem :wink: Besides having lost my appetite for a few days, it’s all cool!

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**There is still some excess on the right, but it is better than what it was earlier. I’ll fix all the styles hopefully by tomorow then. **

BTW - that image was reduced from 1024 wide to 800 wide… just for adjustments sake… and also why it is so blurry… my monitor is much clearer than that… honest!



*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**BTW - that image was reduced from 1024 wide to 800 wide… just for adjustments sake… and also why it is so blurry… my monitor is much clearer than that… honest!


Rev **
well stop bragging about your monitor :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry lost…

it prob looks okay to him…




*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**sorry lost…

it prob looks okay to him…



Rev **

If that was a monitor res joke… then save it buster!!!

I am on 1024x768 now :beam: Have been for about 2 months, and I love every minute of it :love:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**If that was a monitor res joke… then save it buster!!!

I am on 1024x768 now :beam: Have been for about 2 months, and I love every minute of it :love: **

abzoid just went to 1024 as well… will wonders never cease…

and it was a crappy monitor joke, not a resolution joke…




Oh, crappy monitor joke you can say, because yes… my monitor is a piece of crap!

There is now a quickedit button that appears directly below all of your own posts. Eilsoe suggested it as a quicker alternative to the Edit button :slight_smile:

Kirupa, I was thinking about doing a tutorial about fractals in Flash. Do you think it could be interesting?

*Originally posted by Ilyas da Pom *
**Kirupa, I was thinking about doing a tutorial about fractals in Flash. Do you think it could be interesting? **
ah, good ol’ recursion. I was never successful with it in flash, always losing documents and such. Pity :-\

I’d look forward to this tutorial, pom :beam:

[size=1]that is, if you’re still not mad at me :([/size]

*Originally posted by Ilyas da Pom *
**Kirupa, I was thinking about doing a tutorial about fractals in Flash. Do you think it could be interesting? **

Absolutely! Go for it! I know my name is not Kirupa, but I answered anyway :slight_smile:

Sure pom - that seems interesting! Sen, you are the past of Kirupa after all :stuck_out_tongue:

Go go go… write write write. I’d be interested in reading that.

Wow, thanks for the support :love: :love:

I’ve written a version 1.0, and it’s probably going to change a bit, but if you have suggestions, or if you think that something (everything :ro: ) requires some additionnal explanations, I’ll be glad to hear them :block:

:whistle: I wonder if I have ever not forgotten to attach something…

I don’t have time to read it right now, but I do have one suggestion.

The .swf files in the tutorial should be a button that says something like “View”, and when it is clicked the branches activate. This will prevent browser lag or crashing when a viewer initially views the .html file. My computer froze for a few seconds while the fractal trees were created.

no angles jpg :frowning:

… and it might be nice to do an animated branching example to help show whats happening (just a thought)