

What do you think? about this site

WOW WOW WOW:crazy: :beam:
Very cool site. I loved the chalange navigation. There is some very crazy stuff going on there. I loved the “shy butterfly” picture. I also liked the tourist option. Also the ghosts that run away fron the cursor(very supper mario) loved it. Your opening page was pretty sweet also. Very nice site:beam:

Thanks sintax, I’m glad you liked it.
See you soon on the love boat.

I’ll be the guy behind the bar. Also loved the movie that played when you unlock illustrations. Very wicked. Do you do your own music?

Ok, one Perrier for me then.

I do some of the musics, but not the one on the part you saw.

Say, i’ll give you a tip if you want since you’re offering the drinks.
If you go in the second picture of the gallery and scroll all the way up…there will be something waiting for you.:wink:

Very nice indeed. Strangely enough, I had never checked it… And you might want to submit it for Site of the Week.

pom :cowboy:

It really is a great site. You are very talanted. I can spend hours playing around with things. Great Job:beam:

Well thanks to you both.:slight_smile:

“And you might want to submit it for Site of the Week.”-Well I might just do that one day. I’ll just add a few things in it before.

A few things like >this<

SWEET. you should make a loner version.:slight_smile: how do you come up with this stuff. I must learn how your make your backgrounds. How do you make it look like a camera movment insted of just an animation. Also where do you get your great sounds. Right now your site is the most insperational thing I’ve seen. It really makes me want to create better and bolder things. Once I get my boring Portfolio site done I must start trying crazy stuff like what you got. Know of any other good tutorial sites? AWSOME work:beam:

:A+: Carrément super sympa.

ilyaslamasse, merci. tu es français?

how do you come up with this stuff : It just comes , guess I must be creative

I must learn how your make your backgrounds : just vectorize a drawing, flatten it and pull on some shapes

How do you make it look like a camera movment insted of just an animation : imagined what a camera would be like and treat each clip individually.

Also where do you get your great sounds : The sound effects are modified from video games, I make some of the musics

Thanks for the rest, I’ll gladly answer more questions.:slight_smile:

Ah ouais, c’est vrai que j’ai un pseudo différent sur FXP… -> pom. Egalement appelé Harry Potter.:cowboy:

Ah, t’es pom.:slight_smile: