:whistle: :whistle:
:whistle: :whistle:
*Originally posted by Aislin *
we can all see that aislin…
I know we can
that time I really didn’t get it.
thats Phil at his comp
i just hit 800, time for bed.
Goodnight fellow spam-idiots.
half a dozen spamations in the time it takes to - nevermind -
Give ME money…and I’ll find some way to agree with you again…in part…kindaSorta…yup…
…Can we at least agree to agree ???..hmmmm ?
cough sorry for going off topic here but…
*Originally posted by david *
**but 10 fold? I don’t think so. maybe 4 fold in some areas… **
Yes, that was a gross over exaggeration personally I think (on average) its like 2 fold by DEFAULT (options to what we can do with that inteface is 10 fold or more). This all being for interface, mind you.
… all arguments youve heard before nothing new…
Im perfectly comfortable using a windows machine without a mouse. I wouldnt dare try that on a mac. OSX has definitely improved in that area though (woohoo!). I also dislike mac window focusing and the title bar of each application being in the same spot. On a PC, if visible, I can click once to access any titlebar menu of any application. Thats a lot of extra clicking and a lot of extra mouse movement across the screen (always having to go back to the top of the screen) to get things done. (oh yeah and hte default single button mouse).
… all arguments youve heard before nothing new…
Basically, that, and application support are pretty much the primary things keeping me from haing a mac at home now. I have a feeling Ill be using the next PC I buy (pre-longhorn) for a very long time. Yes, MS is evil. I just may go mac sooner or later.
thats it! i start a friendly mac thread and all you playa haters start to dis my machine!
why are you mad? could it be :
1.i can run illustrator,photoshop,indesign and flash all at the same time without that dreaded fear that the precious work i have onscreen will dissapear…
2.Colours on screen come out the same on paper (everything came out too light when i was on a pc)
3.type handling is the best on mac
4.im not lied to about the true processor speed of my machine, or the amount of bytes in a megabite…
5.I sit at my desk,chair etc and dont have to look at a big grey box which i can assure you stumps your creativity…
6.my 20gb ipod works perfect every single time
7.when i made the switch, i plugging in my fuji camera and i didnt even need to install it - same with the ipod and my intellimouse (which allows a right click for contextual menus)
8.i dont have to restart my computer 20 times a day
9.The os is just really sexy - and works so well that after only 10 minutes any windows user will switch
10.my powerbook is made from titanium, titanium goddammit - oh, lets carry around a big black block of plastic (toilet seat)
11.anyone who dissagrees see me in the school playground at 3.05 - we can settle our differances through a pokemon card battle
ps.this was fun, now listen here -
NINTENDO IS BETTER THAN SONY - what do you think?
oh yeah,
if colour and type mean anything to any designer, you should get a mac
case closed, im blowing up like spontaneous combustion
*Originally posted by senocular *
… all arguments youve heard before nothing new…
*Originally posted by mariofan *
…my 20gb ipod …
Mariofan - will you be my best friend?
I’m gone for one night - that was enough time for people to jump in here and give their two cents about a machine they don’t even have!
And now a confession… I drive a Chevy Metro. My car is so cheap and total cost of ownership is really inexpensive too. I can get a whole new set of tires for just a few bucks over a hundred. Parts, labor, everything is cheap for this car. Not only that, I get about 40 miles/gallon.
I simply can’t understand why anyone would buy a BMW. Who needs power doors and windows… I like rolling up my windows manually. Who needs power steering? Not only that, but a BMW costs 5-10 times more than my car. When I see a group of BMW drivers gathering 'round on the street, I butt right in and tell them their car sucks. They only get it because it looks nice and has leather seats. Who needs that?
Now back to the regularly scheduled program.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but where in here did any of us Mac users
try to force any of you guys to use a Mac? I thought we were here just to call out Mac users and share our positive experiences. I can’t speak for everyone but I never try to get anyone to switch. In fact, I don’t even like to talk about my computer since in my short time being a Mac user I’ve learned that this opens up a can of worms. Even a slight mention of a software that is Mac only can send people into a rage of godly proportions about MY computer. Yes, we know you think it sucks and you’ve made up your mind that PCs are the best. Move along.
On a happy note: I’m glad to see I’m not the only Mac user on this forum.
By the way, I’m not speaking to all of you. Some of you were mature enough to “agree to disagree” and humor is always welcome (ie: Phil’s beer dispenser).
BMW?? come on! Id buy one in a minute!! (if I had the money) … well only to be able to I have a “beamer”. I doubt Id drive it. If I had enough money to want to buy one Id be flying around in my personal rocket-pack anyway
*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**in my short time being a Mac user … **
Just thought Id throw out the suggestion of getting The Missing Manual O'Reilly Media - Technology and Business Training … or really for anyone just getting to Mac OS X (though my impression is that you arent exactly a newb ren) good book though
What’s a beamer? I know what a “bimmer” is… but not a beamer.
I would not get a bimmer because luxury driving is not really on the top of my priority list (obviously). C:-) But they are a beauty to behold in form and function and I totally understand why people get them (even though I can’t relate).
*Originally posted by senocular *
**Just thought Id throw out the suggestion of getting The Missing Manual http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/macosxmm/ … or really for anyone just getting to Mac OS X (though my impression is that you arent exactly a newb ren) good book though**
Oh I’ve heard of that book and I am a newb with the Mac. I thumbed through it but I don’t think I’ll buy it anytime soon. I dont’ think it’s really necessary to function, at least for the kind of things that I do. But I might be purchasing a unix book soon. That’s one of the best parts about OSX afterall.
well said Ren…
very well said…
I’ve just read through this thread and I think I got the gist of the discussion. Can someone please tell me if the statements below correctly sums it all up?
**point: “tastes great!”
counterpoint: “less filling”**
or words to that effect
…it’s all a matter of taste, er …gastral comfort, er something …
…hey - life is for livin’, if I can afford a Bimmer/Beamer a RollerRoyce whatever - **** skippy I’m gonna
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