i heared that Mac’s never crash or freeze, is this true?
My friend has a mac and when i sat down to try it out, i was confuesd and not knowing how to work it. He tells me that it is really better then Microsoft Xp.
another good feature of mac’s is that they are compaq and do not take up much room vs. Dells that have a huge CPU.
nah but i want a mac, but i love my PC too. they both got their ups and downs but from what i have seen most CG stuff is on a Mac. well i am getting a powerbook over the summer so i will see just how much i like one or the other…cause i want to ultimatly get a G4 w/dual 21 inch screens OS X and the biggest badest hard-drive i can find and the fastes chip and hte most coolest of everything…drools…but thats all after i get a job and money.
You’re just asking for it arent you. With all the tension and current mod attitudes/behaviors, starting a thread like this is just adding gas to an already well-lit fire :!:
I didnt mean any harm. im just trying to post and poll to see what people think about it. trust me i do not want to cause any problems. why is everyone in a bad mood, and when ever i post something i get questioned about it.
each’s got its own pros and cons. Macs are food for graphic design, as you all probably know. If you’re a developer though, macintosh isnt the platform you should be on.
thats true but some programs seem to come to PC first…but i dont know…i havent really worked with Macs. Rengirl i know is MS free and loves it so ask her.
Ya mdipi, almost all software comes to PC first, because if they only sell to 1% of the PC market they still make some money. But if they only sell to mac’s first and sell to 1% of mac users, they in trouble.
And if you ever want to play a game not made by blizzard, buy a pc, cause macs definently aren’t for gaming.
what i know about mac is that it is really really good for graphic desiging and that kinda stuff. but from what i herd from some ppl is that for programming it is not that good. but what is good about it is that it almost never crashes or freezez. i sat down on one also i was also confused in the bigging but i got use to it. ahmed told me that the ram manegment in mac isn’t that good. that is all i know about mac
ps i liked how programs opened and i liked the screensavers and the transactions in oppening a program.
macs blow… their OS WAS far more stable, but with XP that has changed. The whole thing about graphic’s being better (for a designer) is such BS… if you’re really into that area of computer aided graphic design then you are not f’ing around with a mac or a PC… you are getting the new silicon work stations that you can buy - cheaper, faster, and far better than anything you or I have.
no they don’t suck… they are fast. they are very good at using processing power… but they lack customization, they lack adaptation and many other things… I am a PC guy who loves the value of a mac, but they are very limited for the developer. I like being able to take apart my comp add a second processor if i want etc… JMHO. It just anoys me when people say mac are “IT” when it comes to graphic design, cus I think thats bull.
I agree with the fact that many people think you have to have a mac to be a graphic designer. I have learnt while getting into the business that most people use PC’s for a lot of things because of the cheapness and ease of finding parts and keeping them updated.
I will give some props to mac though. They look fantastic, have a very nice OS, and working on a machine is great - very easy and accessible.