////////apple Mac Users?////////

interesting reland, your computer has a hood? impressive


ITS NOT ONLY 1ā€™s and 0ā€™s!!! IT CAN"T BE



actually the G4 does have something that is very similar to a hood. :slight_smile: Youā€™d have to own one to know I suppose.

I find my Windowā€™s box does everything I need it to do, and I have less problems finding software for the machine. My fiance finds the Mac works best for her. In the end Iā€™m under the impression that both have pros and consā€¦ it really is just a matter of who needs what.

Yeah, Mak, and itā€™s fuel injected too ā€¦ :geek: :whistle: :sure:

ā€¦Sheeeeshā€¦ :wink:

ā€¦ My blue&white G3 has a hoodā€¦er - trap door er- thingy ā€¦
Yer right David

I love that trap door. It makes it so (said like church lady) conveeeeeenient. Who could have made it so? Could it beā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦ SAAAATAAAAANNN???

My windows PC has a clear side panel that slides out very convieniently as well. I love looking inside and seeing things running.

Iā€™m using a Win laptop right now, and I love it. It runs fast, nice graphics (well, not 9700 good, but theyā€™re still pretty good), and it was cheaper than the powerbook mac thing. Mineā€™s only got the 15" monitor, but Iā€™m ok with that. The thing I never liked about Macā€™s was (i havenā€™t even looked at one in 8 years so if its changed, just tell me, donā€™t flame me :)) that the mouse was all wierd, they didnā€™t have any good games, they werenā€™t as fast as pcā€™s, and they cost more.

My girl uses a Microsoft intellimouse, and a Wacom on hers. Youā€™re quite correct the hocky puck mouse of theirs sucks big &@(('s. It sitā€™s in her drawer collecting dust.

i really think both of them are the same kind of thing. They both run programs (in macs case not as much) but in the end they are pretty much the same. I like to build pcā€™s for very cheap and use my old cooling system. I have not attempted to build mac yet but i can rarely find the parts for itā€¦ I think the OSX desktop looks pretty cool but you can actually replicate that with windows but dling windows blinds demo and dling the osx desktop on wincustomise.com

on a different noteā€¦
David go to the de2 server called Dungeons Eternal 2 EAST should be at the very top if you click the names tab. There is a little box in front of it.


what is a de2 server? Sounds like a game serverā€¦ is that related to mac vs windows?

Iā€™m confussled.

*Originally posted by david *
**I love that trap door. It makes it so (said like church lady) conveeeeeenient. Who could have made it so? Could it beā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦ SAAAATAAAAANNN???

My windows PC has a clear side panel that slides out very convieniently as well. I love looking inside and seeing things running. **


that is why I never ended up putting a case on ā€œFrankensteinā€ (yes, I know he was the Drā€¦ not the monsterā€¦), at the time of building, I knew I was going to add stuffā€¦ now it is so full, I need a fan blowing on it constantly so it doesnā€™t overheat in the summertimeā€¦

If I had the $$$, I would own a 23" monitor and G4ā€¦ I really like the monitor, and I do like some of the Mac thangs, but money makes me a Windows guyā€¦ albeit a W2k guyā€¦ still a Windows guyā€¦

but that could change real easilyā€¦ anybody want to be a sponsor of a 40-ish web designer who cooks real well, and is neat around the house?



Iā€™m on w2k as well. I wouldnā€™t use anything else. XP sucks big donkey @#%@

When I was in Design School they made me take an NT4 classā€¦ thank the gods of boring classesā€¦ since then I have rebuilt all of my boxes in W2kā€¦ so far it is the best windows yetā€¦ it isnā€™t a Mac OS, but I donā€™t have a friend working for Apple (he works for Intel)ā€¦



futuristic apple spamā€¦


I agree with relandr. ā€¦I hope thatā€™s how you spell his name. Anyways, I agree with what he said because he agreed with me. Theyā€™re just computers. Geez.

On another note:

Someone agreed with me! Thatā€™s so cool!

Iā€™ll core that **** apple, Phillip, and then Iā€™ll shove it where the sun donā€™t shine. Keep your mac spam in the spam machine! IN THE SPAM MACHINE!!!

ā€¦I didnā€™t get that one either. Soā€¦ j/k.

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**I agree with relandr. ā€¦I hope thatā€™s how you spell his name. Anyways, I agree with what he said because he agreed with me. Theyā€™re just computers. Geez.

On another note:

Someone agreed with me! Thatā€™s so cool! **

[SIZE=3]CORECTTION[/SIZE], [SIZE=1]YOU[/SIZE] agreed with someone, not the other way around

Correction, he agreed with me, and I agreed with him because he agreed with me!

If I gave you money, you would get money, you wouldnā€™t not get money.

BOTH of us exchange money. Yes.

Makes sense. So get your gasoline can, you have some self-mutilation to finish up.

http://www.victorious.net/spam/ <ā€” check it

Shouldnā€™t have given me that link.


edit: howcome some smileys show as broken imagesā€¦?