I was just wondering how much people use their computers, On week days I am on for about 1 and a half hours doing home work. Weekends I play games for an adverage 4 hours a day. But a couple of times I topped 14 continuous hours from when I woke up to when I went to sleep. The only thing that can be more entertaining the the countless activities a computer offers is shooting monkeys at the airport with a Steyr-AUG, sweet steyr.
Yah dude, I’m a computer geek for sure. I am on a computer for 8 hours at work, then I come home and spend probably about 2 hours at least on my personal computer. On the weekends it veries, If I have work to get done then about 4-7 hours a day, if not then prolly about 2-3 hours.
you know what, I never looked at the amount of time I spend on one of these - thanks for depressing me
(With no intention of depresing you further)
A third of the adverage persons life is spent sleeping, for people like us another third is spent on the computer. Leaving one last thrid for everything elde we do.
Hmm if a computer geek live to 81 and he spent a third of his time at a computer thats 27 years of typing and clicking!
Did you know that an average 30-year-old person has spent 5 years waiting in lines? I don’t know if that’s true but I read it somewhere a couple of days ago.
I am a computer geek! At least everyone I know says so! (everyone I know personally)
I spend time on a computer as much as i can!
on week days:
- I come home from school
- I spend some time on the computer
- I eat
- I spend some more time on a computer
- I watch TV
- I spend some more time on a computer
- computer/TV (If theres a good movie or something on tv then I watch it, otherwize I spend time on a computer
on weekends:
- I wake up
- I spend some time on the computer
- I eat
- I spend some time on the computer
- I eat
- I spend some time on the computer
- I eat
- I spend some time on the computer
- I watch TV (if something good is on, otherwize computer)
It has become routine
I missed my 300th post:smirk:
Heh, I’m with Syko. On weekdays I can probably spend about 5 (even more sometimes) on the computer if I don’t have a big test or something the next day. On the weekend, I’m pretty much on it non-stop except for that useless 6 hours of sleep. CAFFEINE GOOD.
I spend all day and night at my computer. During the day I am on it doing programming and design work, then at night I come to places like this and other sites for stuff not related to work! I am definitly a computer geek (at least during the week, on weekends I am out).
Well, that isn’t the only reason I’m a geek, but that will do for now…
Since my work and home are one, I’m on the computer most of the time… My muses don’t keep regular hours…
I have the most understanding girlfriend in the world…
Whoa you have to ask us? lol jk
Im such a computer Geek and im a nerd! IM it all! lol jk
I spend countless hours on my computer and on the internet. I go to work and use a compuer, and i come home and use a computer…
hehe so, yea im a geek =) Computers are my passion =)
I’ve been on computers since I was 5, and I’m 32 now. Probebly I’ve logged more actual comp time per lifetime than anyone else here. (though that’s just a guess).
my averages are pretty high. On weekdays, I spend 8 hours at work, where technicaly I’m on computers the whole time, but most of that stuff is pretty dull. I certainly don’t do it for fun. :P. But in between my work here I probebly average 4 hours total online time. (yeah I know… nice job huh?). Then I get home and I play Quake for about 2 hours, and then finaly, if I’m feeling creative enough, I spend a couple hours doing Flash or Photoshop. Sleep comes, and when I wake, I’m pretty much right on the comp, either doing Flash, Photoshop stuff, or answering questions on the forum. Probebly I log in about 8 to 12 hours a day at home.
I guess that makes about 12-16 hours of comp work a day.
in between that I try to find time to walk with my Dog and socialise with my fiance. Occationaly I’ll take a break and go out to see friends or whatnot, but usually I am on their comps too. either teaching them something, or reworking web design stuff for SDR.
Good lord… why oh why did you make me think on this??? Now I know how much time I waste in a day… AAAAAAAAhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
16 hours a day!?!?! I dont think any of us can comapre to David, I could be wrong though, but any more time on a computer will start to cut into sleeping time.
I am a big-time computer geek (I just know all of your shocked at my confession)! Btw, I met Leo Laporte and Megan Morrone from TheScreenSavers yesterday after waiting 2 hours in line. I got a few pics, so I will put them up on the forums once they get developed =)
this is a breakdown of my weekdays:
- get up and turn on pc
- turn on music
- go to life drawing class from 9am-1pm
- work at wells fargo from 2-6
- come home(coomputer is already on
) and draw and talk on aim till about 7pm
- play some unreal
- put up an away message so i cna play my guitar for a bit.
- 9pm-2am using computer
- sleep
and on the weekends im usually out with my gf, if not im home on my pc.
im an art/computer geek wee
I’m at around the same time as david. I’ve traind my body down to 5 hours of sleep a day. The recomended legth for sleep is now six hours so my body’s ok.
Day breakdown
1: 7:00 am wake up
2: 8:00 am start work
3: 5:00 pm done work
5: 5:30 pm do personal work at home after a qucik supper
6: 7:00 pm go to the gym for an hour
8: 8:00 pm - 10:00pm Spend Time with Girlfriend or Friends
9: 10:00 pm back to personal work
10: 1:00am - 2:30 pm is when I usally let myself sleep
so on a weekday I spend around 10 - 16 hours depending on other factors like sex and drinking:)
Weekends are a little different. I try to spend as much time working possible so it is around the same breakdown just all work is personal. Hey but we don’t have to consider ourselves geeks. Where the normal people now. Its people that don’t know how to run a computer that are geeks or nerds. We have turned the tables.
Indeed we have sintax…
indeed we have… (muahahaaa)… :evil:
During the week I spend just about every waking moment in front of my computer. But during the weekends, I won’t even touch it. Gotta live my twenties while I still can!
I always find time to go out and do stuff. I do more than a lot of people who don’t work on a computer. It is all about balance. My time is very structured and layed out to really maxamize my time. I try not to waste a scecond. Some people think the time in front of the computer is a waste but that is there opinion. I think watching 4 hours of nascar is a waste of time. At least when I’m on the computer there is something to show for it in the end. I love creating things that didn’t exist before I thought of them. I guess it is kind of a god complex. Thats why I can stand to spend 4 hours straight, in fornt of a computer. I love it:)
If I have a free day to do whatever i want, I can easily spend 10+ hours straight in front if the screen…
Yet, if I have a free weekend with my gf, I spend it with her… then SHE uses my com for a few hours… (playing “The Sims”…)
I am a computer geek. Hands down, no doubt about it. I don’t even think I need to prove it (just look at my post count)
Resurecting another old thread Because i can! I think im done now lol =) Im going to bed.