You Loser

Ok am i the only one who sits behind a computer from 2:20am to about 2:00am then gets up goes to school rush home and repeat the cycle?

I mean i had a choice either to get a job this summer or go home to JAMACIA OR ENGLAND and i choose to stay here and not go anywhere but only to summer school and back around my compuetr from 2-2

what should i do? which one should i pick for the summer?

Hmm, I’d recommend breaking away and reducing your computer time to no more than 23 hours a day. :stuck_out_tongue:

I catch MYSELF in manic computer loop mode myself too sometimes. We’re a hopeless lot. (-:

my schedule:

6:00AM - Life begins and I goto school.
2:30PM - Life ends and I come home.
3:00PM - Life dies and I goto work.
6:00PM - Life lives and I eat.
7:00PM - Life strives and I kirupa and etc.
3:00AM - Life stops and I goto bed for 3 and sometimes 2 hours.


what about bicurious chicks? :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao…they stay in my dreams…and during school…it’s all good.

lol… during school :q:

yes…we have some bicurious chicks here and there in school…not many…95% are absolutely hidious…and the other 5% is just a pleasure to the eyes.

haha :stuck_out_tongue: unlike my school… :hair: :stuck_out_tongue:

what about jessica?..wouldn’t it b cool if she was “bicurious?”…maybe we should start a topic about bicurious chicks…:wink:

if being behind your computer for many hous makes you a loser, im the KING! I go to work around 8a… (around meaning within an hour … hehe jk) work till 5p.
8 hours…

then come home. and is on the computer till 2 or 3…
9 hours… 8+9 = 17 hours… that leaves 7 hours to sleep (if i even get that)

I go to work and i program… i come home to program… lol Now tell me I have a life… lol I DONT! o well im here at Kirutopia, and i like it! =) thats all that matters =)

maybe if i had a G/F it’d be better, but then again no girl likes a computer nerd (i havent found any lol)

lol,hey RAY guess that makes two of us,heh,i wish i had a girlfriend but like you said they don’t want any computer GEEK like us,actually they hate me because i’m ugly not because i’m a computer geek. Only ones that like me is my little sister’s friends that are 4 or 5 but as soon as they get to age 13 they will start hating me too :frowning:

o…thats harsh…i don’t consider myself a geek…although i don’t care…because i can be one…it makes me sound smart…i hav a way with the chicks…;)…no techy with chicks…especcially bicurious ones are around…wink wink

girls love me mostly…because i’m asian

sp…don’t feel so bad…find ur problems and solve it.

yea, i have the Typical White male look… not so original here in america lol jk

Im a Geek, Nerd, Guru, computer Nerd, Techy, im everything people call nerds =) but you know what, i dont care becasue of this statement a little Geek said once…

“Be Nice to nerds, because you’ll work for them someday” - Billy Gates


i wouldn’t want to become bill gates…i swear everytime i see him somewhere…it looks like he is swinging the other way…

who cares, for 90 billion dollars… he can be wahtever he wants! =) if i had that much money, i wouldnt care if people thought i was Gay! lol =)

*Originally posted by Raydred *
**yea, i have the Typical White male look… not so original here in america lol jk

Im a Geek, Nerd, Guru, computer Nerd, Techy, im everything people call nerds =) but you know what, i dont care becasue of this statement a little Geek said once…

“Be Nice to nerds, because you’ll work for them someday” - Billy Gates

=) **

Hhhahahahahha that cracked me up :stuck_out_tongue: Well, off to some bull**** 1 hour class and then fukkin prom at night OHMYGOD no computer! :smiley:

well i don´t spend that much time on a computer… just from 9:00 am to 01:am … only 16 h/day :stuck_out_tongue:

What if you’re a woman and a techie? :slight_smile:

then you´re a Kittie :wink: