How many hours do you spend infront of your computer each day?

Lately I’m thinking that I spend toooo many hours infront of my PC… I would know if someone here can win me… xD Now If I count Work (7) + Home (8)… maybe 15 hours each day… :geek:

and you?

Work(8) + Home(5) = 13 hours probably.

Meh. But on the weekends its less because I usually out with friends.

Work (10)
Home (1-2) - just browsing kirupa and email etc…
Weekends I usually stay far away unless I get a call from work.

So probably around 12 during the week

work (8)

home (infinite, depends on the amount of freelance work i have to do, which, lately, is a butt load… so another 8)

which puts me at roughly 16 hours each day

Ugh, i need a life

How many hours are in a day again? Whatever it is, that plus 2

Hahahah holy crap, long time no see senocular

I spend around 10-14 hours a day working. After that I try really hard not even having to be near a computer.

10 each day at work. at home long enough to plug my iPod in and have it update and maybe check email, 20 to 30 minutes. Nothing on the weekend if I can help it.

At night when I break out the laptop my chicks starts complaining about how I don’t spend enough time with her lol

I would say at my worst around 8 and at my best around 1 or 2 now that I have two jobs going.

Same as Templarian and Sekasi.

8 hours with work then another 6~ ish once i get home. weekends are generally computer-less. so about 14 hours

I normally spend about an hour or two at home on the computer and about an hour or two on the 360. So I guess total of about 3 hours “connected” to the Intertubes with ~1.5 actually on the computer.

Clearly too many.


About .5 to 1 hours after work and 14 hours at work. That is if you count this as a computer:

GPS screen in my tractor. The thing drives it self :beam:

^ What exactly is it that you do?


Right now, fertilizing.

8 at work, and usually another 2-3 after work. But mostly that’s spent passively watching stuff and drinking, not surfing.