Are You a Designer or a Programmer?

75 programmer, 25 designer

Find if you’ve worked as a programmer they won’t let you switch and vice versa. Best jobs are the ones that let you do both.

you do have a bit of a designer in you :wink:

I’m a programmer in designer’s clothing. Actually, I’m not that great at programming either. So I’m like a regular guy in programmer’s clothing, who then put on designer’s clothing because he thought it was too cold or something like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I told him not to eat that!


yea, im 99% programmer and 1% stick figure drawer. Everything graphical turns into some challege to program it better.

Im a Designer first , Programmer 2nd but im working as a programmer (hmm). But Designs and creativity comes naturally to me. I have to look up stuff all the time when programming (cause i cant remember the syntax sometimes lol) …


I don’t have the gift of a designer so I program…

I dont know.

I make music,code stuff in php,make art,make Fonts, but i dont make money:P LOL

Right down the middle baby. Probobly more on the designer side, but more in the middle than on one end. :smiley:

at least they dont look as good as me in drag :wink: :crazy:

lol :love:

designer…me thinks!! :smiley:

you tell me…plug

I like to say I’m a programmer, mostly because my design sucks :wink:

Designers win
hehe :smiley:

Only 49 people voted… out of how many thousand users here? :stuck_out_tongue:

programmer but being forced into being a designer

as of now i’d say designer 90% programmer 10% , but im studying atm with a programming webdesign course so should be closer to even in the near future.

Although i will still be more a designer than a programmer no matter how much code and programming skills i learn.

you know, programmers are designers too…

looks left at Design Patterns programming literature

  1. That’s how many thousand.

I’d say I’m a programmer simply because all my designs turn out looking like turd, where as my programs do not. They simply don’t get finished :trout:

my degree is computer science, and I’m somewhere in the middle

but it seems by the end of my degree i’m ganna be geeky progammer :stuck_out_tongue: