75 programmer, 25 designer
Find if you’ve worked as a programmer they won’t let you switch and vice versa. Best jobs are the ones that let you do both.
75 programmer, 25 designer
Find if you’ve worked as a programmer they won’t let you switch and vice versa. Best jobs are the ones that let you do both.
you do have a bit of a designer in you
I’m a programmer in designer’s clothing. Actually, I’m not that great at programming either. So I’m like a regular guy in programmer’s clothing, who then put on designer’s clothing because he thought it was too cold or something like that.
I told him not to eat that!
yea, im 99% programmer and 1% stick figure drawer. Everything graphical turns into some challege to program it better.
Im a Designer first , Programmer 2nd but im working as a programmer (hmm). But Designs and creativity comes naturally to me. I have to look up stuff all the time when programming (cause i cant remember the syntax sometimes lol) …
I don’t have the gift of a designer so I program…
I dont know.
I make music,code stuff in php,make art,make Fonts, but i dont make money:P LOL
Right down the middle baby. Probobly more on the designer side, but more in the middle than on one end.
at least they dont look as good as me in drag
lol :love:
designer…me thinks!!
you tell me…plug
I like to say I’m a programmer, mostly because my design sucks
Designers win
Only 49 people voted… out of how many thousand users here?
programmer but being forced into being a designer
as of now i’d say designer 90% programmer 10% , but im studying atm with a programming webdesign course so should be closer to even in the near future.
Although i will still be more a designer than a programmer no matter how much code and programming skills i learn.
you know, programmers are designers too…
looks left at Design Patterns programming literature
I’d say I’m a programmer simply because all my designs turn out looking like turd, where as my programs do not. They simply don’t get finished :trout:
my degree is computer science, and I’m somewhere in the middle
but it seems by the end of my degree i’m ganna be geeky progammer
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