If you had to put your general flash usage to the test and name yourself something… Which of the above would you be… tell why then…
I think I’m a designer, because I’m too lazy to program and I like drawing and design more…
hehe good thread
I’m a programmer and currently dabble in design with mind to becoming Designer Programmer know-it-all
I’d say I was a designer howevr over the last 2 - 3 months I have learnt a lot of actionscript so I could say I’m an aspiring programmer but not yet…
Well my curretn biz card for the company i work for my title is interactive developer, i do the design, animations and flash programming basically buttons and stuff and i create the Interactive CD-Roms as well as DVD with menus and all either for movies or a business presentation.
So i think i can classify myself as a desginer to answer the question on this post.
Im also a Certified computer engineer in terms of hardware and i got bfa in graphic arts, and an associates degree in business administration and proposal creation as well as an associates degree in computer networking the rest ive learned on my own, basically all my computer skills ive learned on my own and the certification classes have tought me nothing honestly i think experience is whats more important than a friggin piece of paper and most jobs ive gotten are because of my experience not my credentials.