If you had to put your general flash usage to the test and name yourself something… Which of the above would you be… tell why then…
I think I’m a designer, because I’m too lazy to program and I like drawing and design more…
hehe good thread
I’m a programmer and currently dabble in design with mind to becoming Designer Programmer know-it-all
Designer/Developer for me (it’s actually my job title too).
I started out as a programmer, then fell into the design and found I liked that too. So I’ve ended up being both… I find it’s easier that way. You can design for coding, since you know what is and isn’t possible. But you can also code for design…
definitely only designer atm, but my Uni lectures on Maya (MEL) scripting are pretty closely related… so now al I have to do is find time to boot up Flash and do some work! :sure:
Which Uni!?
Designer with a slight angle into Designer Programmer… Im on the border line i guess. give me a year or so and I will be the latter.
what I want to know is when do you concider yourself a designer? when you’ve completed a course in it? when you’ve had an active interest in it for so long? if my little 6 year old cousin decided he was a designer tomorrow and started playing with ms paint is he a designer then? I guess you might call him an amature designer
Designer without a doubt here.
I know enough AS to get by and add enough interactivity to make my movies interesting.
But I have always sucked at programming.
*Originally posted by m_andrews808 *
**what I want to know is when do you concider yourself a designer? when you’ve completed a course in it? when you’ve had an active interest in it for so long? if my little 6 year old cousin decided he was a designer tomorrow and started playing with ms paint is he a designer then? I guess you might call him an amature designer **
Interesting question!!
Well i think that in the proffessional scene a designer would be someone who has completed a design course in order to have that title. You can call yourselve a designer, but if you were to go for a job interview, and call yourself a designer in your CV, then they ask you were you studied, i very sure that self taught would not be a answer they look for.
As for your cousin maybe call him “training artist”
yeah I guess its depends on the context, like you say on your cv you’d be expected to be able to back it up with some course/qualification.
Having said that, as soon as you get paid to do any form of work that makes you a professional in that trade doesn’t it? So if ‘tranee artist’ were paid for a poster design he could then call himself a professional designer? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
The poll’s saying you’re 50% designers at the moment, thats interesting. I bet you any money that if you did the same poll over on FlashKit there wouldn’t be as high a concentration of designers simply because Kirupa looks soooo much better than FK!
A programmer… hands down.
Tweens and I don’t get along, we got in a bit of a tiff way back, haven’t worked with eachother since.
well let say a “Qualified Designer” rather than professional designer its dosent matter how much work you can do, you still dont have a design qualification (legally). This paper helps to increases your chances to get a job over someone with no experience.
:: also gives me a title and a legal reason to charge people a arm and leg for my work, i cant call myself a mechanic if i fix my mates car for little or no money. …hehe Designer/Mechanic/DigitalMusician.
if anyone’s interested:
lets see how fk’ers compare to kirupians
sorry to copy an’ paste your post buddhamarz please don’t sue me over copyright!
I am one of the 3 that is none of the above…
I dont know much of anything as far as computers, design or programming…I just got suckered into this place long ago by Fester and ignore the posts about stuff I jsut dont understand!
I don’t think that you need a University paper to prove that you are a designer. Whatever you may call it “qualified” or “professional”, it all sound really weird to me in relation to designing. It is “creating emotions-triggering, sometimes useful things”, just like music and nobody really cares whether a J.Lennon had a paper or not - most people know him as a musician. There are people who require papers ( I myself got one:) but it does not make anybody better only because someone is a “trained-how-to-make-great-design” artist. And as for things that increase your chances to get a job, speaking of my and my friends’ experience, in 90% cases, it has been the previous work I’d done to get a new job.
cheers to youall, fellow designers!
I’m a designer right now though I wish I was more of a programmer.
Designer (tweens and movies, knows enough AS to do this)
I know from where u got the idea for this thread