Arghh my eyes!

Eeek, I’ve gone partially blind.

I’m serious, in the last hour my eyes have gone all funny, I can’t see in some parts :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

Dude, that blows… stay off the PC, and go see a doctor…
Plus, does your head hurts, if so, on what part of your head?

That happened to me yesterday when I had a migraine… :hangover:

Take a few painkillers, curl up in bed and sleep, that’s what I did… :slight_smile:

Ack it just got worse. When I look down I can’t see the keyboad. Good job I can type without looking kinda lol :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t see a doctor at nearly midnight lol :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:


I don’t want to have to show you images of people that couldn’t kick it :wink:

Kick what? :sure:

next thing you know, you’re all :crazy: then just one big :eye: until your :battery: runs out and you :skull:

Its a vicious thing it is.

The blind patches are like rippling and twitching. This is pretty freaky :-\

  • Soul :s:

Dude, if your serious:

Step one: Shut off PC!
Step two: Call ambulance!
Step three: Panic!

either that or you go :d: and have to wear :player: and :run: into walls and :scream: because you just cant take it anymore and :bu: run from :ch: when you’re only friend is a :a: :pirate:

sen has gone :crazy: perhaps even <marquee width=19 scrolldelay=3 behavior=alternate>:a:</marquee>
there is little hope for the one with six :eye:s
we have lost this one: :moustache

Perhaps he’s the one who should seek professional assistance.

<marquee height=35 behavior=alternate direction=up>:bu:</marquee>

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**Dude, if your serious:

Step one: Shut off PC!
Step two: Call ambulance!
Step three: Panic! **


I dunno, I just think being blind kinda sucks!
But thats just my opinion :-\

hmm. Blind… no computer… blind… no computer… bli… tough call.

but! Blind = no computer anyway!

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**but! Blind = no computer anyway! **

oooo you’re smart

lol :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t think it’s anything to do with the computer.

Theres always a brail computer :sure:

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**oooo you’re smart **

I am also very sexeh!

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**I am also very sexeh! **

… meh-beh

that smiley is awesome