Arghh my eyes!

*Originally posted by Freddythunder *
**oh dear God…that’s funny!!! **
Im glad you liked it :slight_smile:

Sound’s good to me…Like a new footer contest??

yeah, sounds fun! how would you do it though?

I have no idea, if there was a mod around…where did they go??

getting jealous!!


Eek, sorry lads, got called away to a meeting. :sure:

A new footer contest, huh? Hmm, sounds interesting, I’ll mention it to the man in charge. :slight_smile:

cool :slight_smile:

kits footer scares me…same with orangeones crazy pixel guy

shudders then runs away

yeh really! You guys and your creepy footers FOR SHAME!

whats wrong with my pixel guy? he’s cute! pokes little pixel guy

lol, its his hair, its scary


*Originally posted by kh3mical *
**kits footer scares me…same with orangeones crazy pixel guy

shudders then runs away **
My footer scares you? Um, why exactly? :slight_smile:

i think senoculars footer is more scary than ours! joins kit in tag team against kh3mical and senocular

*Originally posted by kh3mical *
lol, its his hair, its scary
Me, my hair, and my monkey. (my hair is not like that anymore, That was only because i had a gig)

no, ur pixel guys hair…change it. its freaking me out!!

lol ;):slight_smile:

Why’s mine scary? :slight_smile:

lol, that evil black face.

But I am evil. :slight_smile:

no, i never said u were. :slight_smile:

u helped me on my 1st day here at kirupa forum :):wink: