Arghh my eyes!

Hi there. :beam:

English humour too, I’m impressed. :slight_smile:

Ha ha!!! I aim to please!!! Who the hell put in ‘burrito’? That’s classic!!

Burrito? :q: Ahhh, I see…


*Originally posted by Freddythunder *
Oh for the love of all that’s holy Kit…no one would ever run away from that, they’d get week in the knees and tumble like London Bridges Falling Down…I would…
I did :wink:

Inbox empty Kit :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

It’s like a forum in a forum!! Okay, not really. I’m taking all the really funny things from my footer and putting them on my website. I think the funniest one I’ve gotten so far is ‘monkeys love cookies’ - I don’t even know why that’s so darn funny!! I’m just glad I’m filtering all the **** out of it…

See!! Wait, I thought you were sleeping!! Doh!!

*Originally posted by Soul *
I did :wink:
:love: to the pair of ya. :slight_smile:

You do realise that now I’m going to spend the majority of this morning thinking up humourous phrases for this footer? :slight_smile:

Whoo hoo! Result! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Freddythunder *
**It’s like a forum in a forum!! Okay, not really. I’m taking all the really funny things from my footer and putting them on my website. I think the funniest one I’ve gotten so far is ‘monkeys love cookies’ - I don’t even know why that’s so darn funny!! I’m just glad I’m filtering all the **** out of it… **

can we see them? whats the link?

Works for me; I’m a glutton for humor!!..or humour. keep 'em coming!! What ya got??

Alright, hang on, I have to make the site real quick, it’ll take like five minutes. In the mean time - click on my footer where it says freddythunder. None of the links work because I just put it up, but there’s a cartoon, and some music…I’m a little slow…I guess you guys guessed that by now…:*(

In honour of the BT adverts and my general good mood today… :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Freddythunder *
**Alright, hang on, I have to make the site real quick, it’ll take like five minutes. In the mean time - click on my footer where it says freddythunder. None of the links work because I just put it up, but there’s a cartoon, and some music…I’m a little slow…I guess you guys guessed that by now…:
( **

I saw the site! I like it man. It has a good ‘fun’ feel to it :slight_smile:

Hey looks I’m up early!

must be the excitment of yorkshire day.

Okay, sorry, it took a few minutes longer than I thought; I blame my FTP.
goto the site:
and click ‘footer messages’

And no tea…I get no tea!!!

I so love the quick thing we got goin!! TheOrangeOne - Thank you - fun is what I was after!! Were you, by chance, the one leaving the ‘vote for orange’ and such?? Just a guess…

wow! so cool :slight_smile: nice one freddy! you will have to show us how you did it sometime. I would love a footer like that!

yes, the orange comments are mine! bwahahahahahaha!

Sure, all it take is a bunch of lines in PHP and a Flash recepticle. Maybe I should write a tut…I like it…I’m a nerd…dammit I so wanted to avoid that in my learning curve!!!

[edit] to get what??? Now I have to check the email…yeah, it’s linked…I’m lost, aren’t I…[edit]

how long will it take to get a cup of tea?

oh dear God…that’s funny!!!

oooh, a tutorial would be cool! you could start the next footer trend…