Arrrr ye maiteys, ye scalleywankers shal get TROUTED

Funny but true:

I ski better than I snowboard, but I love snowboarding more than skiing.

Yea well, I learn from the best, Phil and Mak.

lol… Yeah…

Snowboarding is just incredible… And I don’t even wanna try skiing… I’d be half afraid to do a split and hurt me royal family…


Man, Bogus (thats our ski resort [ link ]) - I can ski anything on the mountain with my eyes closed. I want to go to Sun Valley soooo bad.

I have only skiied a few times in my life. Same with snowboarding.

I don’t get much chances to do it.

Same here beta… Being in Southern PA doesn’t give us many chances to snowboard eh? hehe…

I know for a fact that I’ve only gottan to go at leats 20 times… 10 of those times were when I visited Maine…

LOL… at least 20 times.

I have only been about 2 or 3 times.

Lol, I go about that much a season

i mean about 20 or 30