

Cool forum you have here!!

Hello! =) Welcome to the forums!

[SIZE=1]:: psst, everyone, he’s sitting 10 feet behind me… he’s dangerous… wacked… he’s crasy… he loves trout :wink: ::[/SIZE]

TROUT SLAP!! :trout: :trout: :trout:

Welcome sir. I love the handle.

don’t mind the trout… there’s a lot of trout slapping that goes on around here.

eilsoe<~~ :trout:

GAH! smelly fish…

ew ew ew ew ew…

Speaking of aquatic life forms, there’s a great advert on over here at the moment for Kit Kats. It’s jot Jason Statham (from Lock Stock and Snatch) in it, talking about salmon, and how they don’t have a break. Hilarious. Cracks me up every time.

And welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

Remember. You are not a salmon.

That’s it! :slight_smile:

Best advert of the year so far.

[SIZE=7]Welcome to the forum, freaqazoid!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]

kit - have you seen the advert for the breath mints/strips, where a dog comes out of a guys mouth?

mariofan :m:


… I need to see the transporter when it comes out on video.

[SIZE=1]oh yeah, and um… welcome… [/SIZE]

**** that what i call i warm welcome… Thx m8s…

:smiley: cya later!