Hi everyone!
I’m new both here and in actionscripting, so i’d like to ask for some help from you guys in solving this task i’ve made up for myself.
All I want to do is a map of russia with circles on it, denoting cities, where dealerships of my company reside. So the european part is so adlomerated that it would be insane placing city name in there, so i though of making a script that would make the circle grow onRollOver and shrink it onRollOut (which I made, based on some exmamples on flash-creations.com - as said before - total noob:tb:) and would make the city name come out or appear onRelease. I can’t figure the onRelease part. NOTHING.
The buttons/circles are all instances of one movieclip with unique names, placed in an array. So on load the init() function fires off, which takes care of onRollOver and onRollOut methods and SHOULD take care of the onRelease part, but I can’t figure out how the code should be like. Could you someone help me out here? please!