I have been toying around with being able to see embedded fonts over different machines, and came a question. Is there a way to use an embedded font for a TextField that is placed in a movieclip that is exported for ActionScript in CS5?
I created a movieclip on the stage, that contains a TextField called tf.
Then exported this movieclip for use in ActionScript. This movieclip’s class is called TF_Container
Then I embedded and exported for AS a font called NeonFont.
var myfont:Font = new NeonFont;
var myformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
var myclip:MovieClip = new TF_Container();
//style my TextFormat
//referencing the TextField, tf, I inserted in the FLA file
myclip.tf.text="Why does this not work?"
I uploaded the SWF to my page from a Mac. I checked it from a PC, and it was switched to a default font.