Audio Sample

Hey all… I posted a question before about copyright info and songs… someone mentioned that they thought it was legal to use like a 30sec or under sample on my site if I credit the maker, I have been looking at copyright info for the US and cant seem to find anything definitive in either direction… does anyone know about this??





It was me that said you could rip a certain ammount of music and get away with it.

I looked into this further and I apologize because I am completely wrong.

Here is what I found…

**** the corporate world, nuf said…

and lets not forget…

Fester is full of **** :slight_smile:

fester who?

is full of what?


if you put even small amount of work into it, rip 5 (just 5 not 30) seconds samples, then remix them, changing melody (speeding up goes, as usually; but you can try to change notes, cant you), then noone will be able to proove it is stolen and thus noone will charge you :pirate: but, i will emphasise it again, you have to put some work into it…

analogy: you steel gold watch, you got caught, watch was found and prooved you guilty. but if you will melt them back in amorphous gold mass, and made some stuff like rings or chains from it, noone can proove that was watch yesterday.

same goes for stolen cars, etc, etc… smart thiefs not just steel, they also work… those who work the most while keep steeling, are richest guys in the world.

Nice example makc. :wink: :wink:

I am confused…

whose whatch can I steal?

I would like to steal dans truck…

even though the airbag is deployed and it has some new dings in it

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

What sucks for my situation is I dont want to chang anything, I just want to have it played as the background music for someones site, and I would provide full credit and a link to the producers site/email/whatever - heck I’d be happy with a chorus sample - I guess I’ll have to see if my client wants to take the chance (although I doubt anything would happen)

Thanks for the info guys!
