Audio - video out of sinc

hi, i need help on a problem ive been having.
I work with flash mx 2004 on a mac (os x) (but i use to have the same problem on my old windows computer).

i use flash mx to make animations that i export in .avi or .mov format and then burn on dvd’s or whatever (I dont make .swf files for web-viewing). and it works perfectly when the animation is under 5 minutes. but when my animations get longer that 5 minutes the audio starts to get out of sinc with the video. I am now working on a project that will be around 20-30 minutes long. but once i get to 10 or 16 minutes and i export the movie, the audio is SO out of sinc with the video that you hear a character speak 2 or 3 seconds after the animation has him speaking.
my temporary solution is to make smaller flash files 5 minutes each and then put them al together in premiere. but its very time consuming.
i have tried exporting in many different settings and formats and nothing seems to work.

someone please PLEASE help me because this animation im working on is a very important project and i have a lot of people counting on me (It’s like my big break lol).

p.s. unrelated: is there a way of ecporting all scenes in a movie as separate files?

thanks to anyone who helps.