she sucks. i can’t stand her.
i agree.
mayy I ask why ?
‘cos she standing on a bridge waiting to jump off’
this girl obviously has issues…
she calls herself “punk”, give me a break.
shes practically a he… and has a slight complextion problem… but who am i to b*tch…
Yeah its true…
She dosent have talent, she is completle manufactured…
…but she is pretty hot…
*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**Yeah its true…
She dosent have talent, she is completle manufactured…
…but she is pretty hot… **
i agree:beam:
oh i just love that black eyeshadow thing she does. and the shirt with the tie. yummy.
agree on everything said
pinx, its all about personal prefference. you dont need to put people down just because of that.
here we go again…
Yeah, I would strangle her by the tie…
And yes she does wear the clothes…
(but pinx , who cares about the eye shadow?)
She’s still hot … :bad:
I CARE I CARE!!! Nobody understands me!!! Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
But who cares that you care
I mean your not going to hit on Avril!
…or are you?
I don’t like her much either. She is no where near punk, and I hate that people say she is punk. Why not call the Britney Spears (or however you spell it) punk too, that could work right? [size=1]pff[/size]
Avril can be hot, but sometimes she looks too much like a cat or something… and that seriously creeps me out.
Be careful Lost, you might get a verbal bashin for having your own opinion LOL
lol, that’s ok, i’m used to it.
supposedly she is not a manufactured celebrity. After seeing others like Brittany and Christina change their image to suit the record company labels, she decided to just be herself, and now shes become ultra-trendy. i would say she’s alright, but its pop music, so it sucks.
speaking of teeny boppers… michelle branch… she’s so hot…