Avril lavigne

*Originally posted by pinx *
**oh i just love that black eyeshadow thing she does. and the shirt with the tie. yummy.
barf. **
Er… I knid of dress like that. :slight_smile: Except I don’t do the tie thing. Or the trousers that are too short thing. :sure:

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**But who cares that you care :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean your not going to hit on Avril!

…or are you? **

yeah i’m imagining what i would do to her right now. oh yeah baby.

Your so bad with sarcasm!

I never knew you cared about avril!

yeah well, we used to be in a relationship but then she didn’t spend any time with me because, well, she has that stupid band. yeah so i was out of the picture. :frowning:

plus she’s too busy tie shopping. she likes the tie you know.

The tie is a bit strange. But the black combats and the white top thing, she copied that from me… I was doing that years ago. :stuck_out_tongue: She even took my hairstyle… :sure:

that b i t c h


I know you are not meaning anything by it, but certain employers of our members will block this site if swearing is found while surfing…

so… please don’t “outsmart” the censors. They are here for a reason, even if you don’t agree with them, please show respect for Kirupa and the rules he sets up.



but… he was a skater boy, she said see you later boy!

oh boy…

*Originally posted by reverendflash *

I know you are not meaning anything by it, but certain employers of our members will block this site if swearing is found while surfing…

so… please don’t “outsmart” the censors. They are here for a reason, even if you don’t agree with them, please show respect for Kirupa and the rules he sets up.


Rev **

jesus christ, fine.

I was being nice pinx.

That is what the censor is there for, why can’t you just say “sorry, wasn’t meaning anything” , instead of making your little statement above…

I’m not the only mod who notices you…


I think she is kinda cute:

But otherwise, sometimes, she is really really bizarre:

troll= pinx

avril is ugly. make up makes her look ok. trust me i seen her w/o make up. shes ugly, nah, make that VERY ugly.

You’ve seen her in rl or on a pic ?

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I was being nice pinx.

That is what the censor is there for, why can’t you just say “sorry, wasn’t meaning anything” , instead of making your little statement above…

I’m not the only mod who notices you…

Rev **

i’m glad to see i’m so popular. i feel like a star.

*Originally posted by vts31 *
**troll= pinx

avril is ugly. make up makes her look ok. trust me i seen her w/o make up. shes ugly, nah, make that VERY ugly. **

a troll? mwhahahahahhahahahahahhaa ahhaha ahah ah hahahhaa hha ahahahahhah haahahahhahahaahahh!!!

Trolls seek to work outside of the established rules of a forum. Trolls seek to instigate others into aberant behavior. Trolls entice moderators into unpleasant conflict for their own purposes.

You shouldn’t feel like a star because we are watching your posts pinx, you SHOULD feel that your account at Kirupaforum is in jepardy of being lost. That’s both a threat and a fact. Watch your mouth. This is not your home, this is ours. You are welcome to partake in it so long as you obey our rules.

*Originally posted by david *
**Trolls seek to work outside of the established rules of a forum. Trolls seek to instigate others into aberant behavior. Trolls entice moderators into unpleasant conflict for their own purposes.

you know what they say…you gotta think outside the box.

no, that’s just the excuse that trolls use to validate their simple attempts to disrupt other people’s rules. Alas, this is not a free and open forum as discribed in the constitution. No rules of free speach apply here. Only law and order visavi the methodology of kirupa and the mods he places in charge.
You have been warned pinx. If WE think that you don’t belong here, you wont,

(as opposed to media entertainment where the majority tends to decide what belongs and what doesn’t. (see matrix2 spoiler thread) Me thinks that you have a very warped sense of how the world works, or how you think it should.)