Avril lavigne

*Originally posted by pinx *
**you know what they say…you gotta think outside the box. **

did you not get the meaning of david’s post?

Are you going to stop being an instigator, and calm down your locker room mouth?


It isn’t just the mouth either. It’s a desire to be difficult.

No kirupian has ever said that you shouldn’t THINK outside the box. Writing or speaking however is a little different. We don’t allow ****ography links to be associated in any way with Kirupa.com either. Does that mean we’re being narrow minded, or just realistic? There’s a place for everything. You want to make life difficult for everyone around you find another forum to do it in. If you want to create something that exists outside the box, and you need help doing it, come here and ask us questions.

In case both Rev and Myself have failed to help you understand our rules, pinx. . .

This is an educational forum which is read and writen to by educational institutions around the globe. It is not “Pinx party line”. Think outside the box on your own time, just like the rest of us.

She lied to me… Shes Not with me… cries to the sky WHYYY??!!! hehe jk

Sorry, I totally have to agree with pinx here. Of course it’s my opinion, and it’s all a matter of personal taste.

Avril Lavigne sucks. She can’t sing, her music sucks, she doesn’t look good (not bad either… it’s meh) and she can’t give interviews. There. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh… Compare that b&w picture of her with mine on the mods page… She borrowed my black eyeliner for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

dont like avril. if she was wearing makeup/paperbag then MAYBE i would do her (excuse me), but i would feel SO dirty and wrong afterwards. If that hapened, just dont expect me to talk to her or listen to her so-called “music”

PINX: seriously dude, what with the attidude problem? You might think it isn’t my place to say, but as a user of kirupa i say it is! You need to chill and respect the rules. People tried being resonable with you, but you just act a complete moron. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!:angry:

yo pink…

davids right… just chill out… you voiced your opinion which is fine but then some reason you started mouthing off…

if you like posting here, which i persume you do then ya just gotta live with the rules…

oh and kit i see what you mean… a bit gothlic though isnt it?

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Heh… Compare that b&w picture of her with mine on the mods page… She borrowed my black eyeliner for that. :stuck_out_tongue: **

thats a nice pic BTW, but we cant really see your face. (maybe you realy are a cyborg!) Is that intentional?

You look a little gothic. Have you got gothic in you?

Hey orange you said basically the same thing as me at basically the smae time… thats just strange.

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**thats a nice pic BTW, but we cant really see your face. Is that intentional? **
As always. :slight_smile: I am very very shy. :slight_smile:
oh and kit i see what you mean… a bit gothlic though isnt it?
Yes, I know… :blush: That was taken on a particularly Goth day. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not Gothic really, just useless at makeup. :stuck_out_tongue: Doesn’t really help that I’m naturally really pale, so it makes it looks even worse. :slight_smile:

for the record… I agree with Pinx as well. Avril is a no tallent boy/girl. I can’t find that attractive. At least Britney looks like a girl. A gag takes care of her only real problem in my eyes. Avril… I’m not sure if there is any hope for her and I. I guess she’ll just have to suffer huh? (gaffaw!!)

like you drink blood and have a pentagram burnt into your arm… hehe

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**Hey orange you said basically the same thing as me at basically the smae time… thats just strange. **

hmm, maybe we just hit the same psycic wavelength? (or maybe i should stop talking bolox)
kit, the gothic look is cool so long as peole dont go overboard with. I love rock chicks!

hehe watch it orange boy… you trying to beat the swearing censor like pink now…

Don’t think I’ve ever gone overboard. :slight_smile: Like I said I’m useless with makeup anyway, so I tend not to wear much. When I do, it looks like that photo. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do look Goth in that pic though. Maybe because it’s b&w as well? :slight_smile:

either way, the photo looks good. you got any better ones though?:beam:

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**hehe watch it orange boy… you trying to beat the swearing censor like pink now… **

i dont see that “b” word as offensive, but i shall stop using it if people are not going to like it. sorry!

haha i dont mind but i think some other people may…

yeah I think a word like Bolox is ok. If the censor doesn’t catch the word, and the Mods don’t want that word displayed, it’s our problem.

either way, the photo looks good. you got any better ones though?
Only the passport one that’s floating around. And there’s one tucked away on DeviantART. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I am very shy about getting infront of a camera. :slight_smile: