Songs Everyone Hates!

Macarana, Livin’ LaVida Loca! and Mombo #5 shakes fist in anger

(I think being a bartender for A LOT of weddings really have killed many songs for me :wink: )

most of Britney’s Spears Songs
Shakira (aaaaaaarrrghgghghg)

  • a lot of bands that play on MTV (sum 41 for instance)

Sk8er Boi (I believe it is spelled like that) by Avril Lavigne

qny bqckstreet boys, nsync, new kids on the block **** fools started it all along with menudo oh and vanilla ice rotflmao

hehe millie vanillie or whatever it was. the guys who never actually sang.

Anything Beatles

nahh. i like the beatles.

Britany Spears and Christina Agu-whatever
i don’t like them

POP, boy bands, etc…

“I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME…” nuff said

I can’t believe you guys reject artists totally… I mean I don’t like most of what someone might do, but I can usually find something to like about their music (I can’t think of one artist I can say I hate his work in total)…

As far as songs go…

No Woman, No Cry
by Bob Marley

when I was in Hawaii, a coworker played this song over and over and over every day (it was on a mixed tape 3 times, and she never changed the tape, or turned it off).

good song too, maybe one day I’ll be able to hear it again…


britney spears
christina agu-whatever <- lol
ricky martin
enrique iglesias
shakira - so I find a reason to shave my legs single morning…

Im real by J-LO makes my ears bleed

I’m with Rev- I cannot belive the amount of hate for todays pop artists… I wonder why the heck they sell so many millions of albums. I bet we have a lot of “closet pop fans” here dont we…hmmm, dont we… :wink:

I for one like some of the new pop tunes that come out - they can get me in a good mood sometimes, as long as I dont listen to the radio often

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**I’m with Rev- I cannot belive the amount of hate for todays pop artists… I wonder why the heck they sell so many millions of albums. I bet we have a lot of “closet pop fans” here dont we…hmmm, dont we… :wink:

I for one like some of the new pop tunes that come out - they can get me in a good mood sometimes, as long as I dont listen to the radio often **

Because it’s popular to hate the popular. Yah dig? Kind of ironic isn’t it?

Avril…designed as the anti Briteny to turn into another clone of her


anastasia? she sings oaky and shes about 40 years old and still hot!
dont go there.

any country music song. :slight_smile:

the ketchup song…

ren - i agree - its popular to hate the popular… it’s like when _ _ _ _ (put it punks, goths etc) try to differenciate themselves to not be part of everyday society, but really they are creating a society of there own, which is even easier to stereotype than everyday people… just me typing…oh, and this isnt meant to offend anybody…


i agree. for example, take that song: lifestyles of the rich and the famous. its a song about how stupid and lame the rich famous musicians are. Guess what band is not only stupid and lame, but also rich and famous, due to that song?

“Lifestyles, of the trendy and clueless,
we’re spending money on losers,
listening to what Mtv chooses
it seems talent… is hard to come by
who the hell is this dumb guy?
screw the drive, someone oughta do a run-by”