Ren - I cannot belive that somone actually brought their child to see Bad Boys 2. That movie is rated R! Wow, there was so much swearing and violence that who ever was stupid enough to bring a child to that movie should have their kids taken away. God.
the last movie I spent money to see in a theater was Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (I am a huge SouthPark fan). Sitting right in front of me, was a man, his wife, and his 8 year old kid. This kid had no idea what so ever what the movie was about, laughed at the wrong times, didn’t laugh at the jokes, and was asking questions to Mommy throughout the movie. And this was a Midnight showing…
If I can help it, I won’t go back.
Rev - that’s terrible. Just wrong. There really should be an aptitude test you have to take before your allowed to reproduce. Not a hard test, just a comon sence one… I bet 35% of people who have kids would fail.
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
I think you guys are romanticizing the movie theaters a bit…
Movie theaters are gross… I heard that those cup holders on the armrest tested high for fecal matter (second only to bowling balls) but still… when I watch something like Bad Boys 2, I want to see it on a giant screen with surround sound.
Sureshot: I’m sure they didn’t bring the child to actually SEE Bad Boys 2. It really was just a baby (couldn’t even walk yet). My guess is that the parents are selfish whores who wanted to see the movie for themselves at the cost of the adults around them and of course at the displeasure of their baby (judging from its weeping and wailing that is). My question is - why did the jerks who run the movie theater allow these people to bring their baby. Children younger than a certain age just shouldn’t be allowed into movies like this - parental guidance or not.
Rev made a good point. One time I sat in a theater infront of this 7 year old brat who kept kicking my seat (sometimes my head because the little **** couldn’t reach) and giggling. After the second time, I turned around and told him politely to stop, because I am not tottaly rash. he did it again, so I turned around again and told him if he didn’t stop kicking me the boogie man would get him. Unfortunately he didn’t fall for it. So I figgured if I just ignored the little bastard he would get bored and maybe watch the movie. Well, I’m not that patient so on the I don’t know what-th time, I turned to his mum who must have been ignoring her kid the whole time and tell her to make her kid stop. This pissed me off, she turns to the kid and says “now stop manfred (i think that was it) or you will get a time out” in a sweet voice. I turn back around stunned. 5 minutes later the kid kicks my head again. Thoughts of murder were flowing through my head. I turn to my parents and tell them what happened and ask if I could move seats.
Now, while I would have prefered to have taken the **** screaming into parking lot and mauled that bastard with a crowbar, I had a feeling that wouldn’t go down well with the police.
I think that if everyone thinks back, and counts how many times, recently, that you have gone to the theater, seen a good movie, and not had any “rude activists” at all. I’ll be willing to bet you have much fewer “good times” than you will “annoyed at several points, times” …
but then again, I’m old and jaded.
Oh no, I have only had a few bad incidents, out of all the movies I’ve seen, only about 15-20 incidents over any magnitute (that rages from the story above to telling someone to turn their ****ing phone off), thats like 1:30 something like that.
listen mr “old and jaded” I go to the movies, like I said, about once a week. I would say that probably 1/4 of the times something happens that pisses me off. The rest of the time I have no problems and I enjoy myself. This might be because my theatre isnt as big as, say, a silver city or something but really, I very rarely have a bad time or someone or something bugs me. Guess I am just lucky.
One time I stood in line for a whole day to see Star Wars. When we got inside, there were beach balls and tortillas (yes, tortillas!) flying around and lots of geeks cheering. No babies in sight! Sometimes movie theaters just rock!
So experiences like this might be few and far between… but it’s worth it.
Also, CLAPPING. IN MIDDLE OF MOVIES!!! It’s the most annoying thing ever. When I first went to see the Matrix Reloaded, people where clapping when Neo was kicking Smith’s butt, wow, I just wanted to gun all of them down.
Or at the end of a movie. I think thats pretty odd.
End of movie is ok. To show appreciation. But in middle is just plain annoying.
I always clap at a movie if it’s extreamly funny or something that gets me feeling good.
I dont mean like a long clap or anything, but just like 2 or 3 claps…
Slap SureShot
Missed me!
I dont clap for long or anything, just if I laugh really hard at something, and like I said, it’s 2 or 3 times and that’s it. As for clapping at the end of the movie, never. Unless it’s actually being performed in front of me with real actors I would never clap at the end.
I went to see a sequel of some kind… may have been a Star Trek or a Star Wars, or something…
anyway… the audience applauded whenever some actor shows up on screen… as if the actor could hear them…
I mean, you knew they were going to be in the movie… they were all over the posters on the way in…
and I had to rent the stupid movie on DVD just to hear the actual dialogue…
maybe people in the [size=8]Boonies[/size] just have more of a polite nature when it comes to “moving pitcher shows.”
I’m not sure, but I think there was a hidden messege in there for me…
tries to read between the lines
For the record, I have never clapped at the apperance of an actor - only very funny parts. OK except for maybe the begining of Austin Powers 3 when Danny Divito played mini Me in the opening sequence, that was too **** funny
but they can’t hear you, so why clap?
you applaud in a live performance to show appreciation to the performers.
Do you applaud @ home, when watching TV?
what is the difference?
I suppose you get “dressed up” when you go to the movie igloo?
yes we do, in tuxedos to blend in with the surrounding:
guess which one is me?
Rev is right. I certainly and don’t know any retards that clap at their tv. Again,
Slap SureShot